Come, Ho-ly Ghost, Cre-a-tor blest,


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Presentation transcript:

Come, Ho-ly Ghost, Cre-a-tor blest, Verse 1: (A7) COME HOLY GHOST, CREATOR BLEST Come, Ho-ly Ghost, Cre-a-tor blest, And in our hearts take up.. Thy rest; Come with Thy grace and heav’n-ly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou has made.

O Com-for-ter, to Thee we cry, Thou heav’n-ly Gift of God.. Most High, Verse 2: (A7) COME HOLY GHOST, CREATOR BLEST O Com-for-ter, to Thee we cry, Thou heav’n-ly Gift of God.. Most High, Thou Fount of Life and Fire of Love, And sweet a-noint-ing from a-bove.

O Ho-ly Ghost, through Thee a-lone, Know we the Fa-ther and the Son Verse 3: (A7) COME HOLY GHOST, CREATOR BLEST O Ho-ly Ghost, through Thee a-lone, Know we the Fa-ther and the Son Be this our ne-ver changing creed, That thou dost from them both pro-ceed.

Praise be to Thee, Fa-ther and Son And Holy Spirit, with.. Them One, Verse 4: (A7) COME HOLY GHOST, CREATOR BLEST Praise be to Thee, Fa-ther and Son And Holy Spirit, with.. Them One, And may the Son on us bestow The Gifts that from the Spi-rit flow.