GOM3 / GOMsmart Additions of the Past Year Tony Dupont Earth Science Associates Long Beach, CA User Conference 10/27/2016
Versions, Hardware, Etc. ArcGIS Currently supporting versions 10.1 – 10.4.1 10.5 Pre-release is now available, but we won’t begin support of 10.5 until the full release, at earliest Windows 10 checks out fine Ultra HD monitors…not so much Control under Customize for Large Icons, but other controls can be far too small User Conference 10/27/2016
Versions, Hardware, Etc. GOMsmart Recommend newest version of all browsers Microsoft Edge checks out Dual Ultra Hi-Resolution monitors may be a problem User Conference 10/27/2016
ArcGIS Desktop User Conference 10/27/2016
Hotlink Redesigned to match GOMsmart and make sure all categories are front and center Notes functionality extended to more layers Add Layers more efficiently Jump into GOMsmart Reminder: Hotlink window lists everything clicked User Conference 10/27/2016
Third Party Partners Earth Studies Group OOSA Data organization streamlined Managing the data from one location OOSA Ability to add notes that appear in scout ticket reports User Conference 10/27/2016
Well Data Exports Production data per well, block or area From ESA Desktop or ESA Toolbox in ArcGIS User Conference 10/27/2016
Storm Forecasting Significant changes made to the methodology for predicting storm paths before they form More effectively uses the shape of where the National Hurricane Center predicts the storm will form Does a better job of throwing out bad analogs Proving more accurate User Conference 10/27/2016
Storm Forecasting - Bonnie May 25, 2016 19:00CDT May 27, 2016 18:30CDT User Conference 10/27/2016
Storm Forecasting - Hermine User Conference 10/27/2016
GOMsmart User Conference 10/27/2016
Saving Time New data on the main page Current Lease owners Well Data Categories disabled when no data available User Conference 10/27/2016
Block Information Added to Main page Access reports, charts, production downloads, view in map Ownership, bids, operating rights Sale availability User Conference 10/27/2016
Well Logs Batch downloads: Link to download files is emailed Per lease Per block Per well Link to download files is emailed User Conference 10/27/2016
Downloading Well Data Many datasets related to wells Header info Completions Tests Production Directional Surveys Velocity Surveys Bottomhole Pressure Surveys Paleo observations Weekly Activity (Drilling & Casing) Well Log images User Conference 10/27/2016
Custom Reports Pipeline reports added in the Facilities category For all reports, data can be sorted descending User Conference 10/27/2016
Global Loader User Conference 10/27/2016
Global Loader: What is it? New interface to manage and load data Not just GOM3 data Structure to organize all GIS data in your company Load Layer files (*.lyr) Organize projects as well (*.mxd, *.sxd, etc.) User Conference 10/27/2016
Global Loader Interface Settings/Search Type Contributor Search Vintage/Email/Help Data/Maps Wizard Manage List User Conference 10/27/2016
Layer Example User Conference 10/27/2016
Layer Example User Conference 10/27/2016
Layer Example User Conference 10/27/2016
Layer Example Category Add Layer from Map Can also add existing layer Give it a good name for others Output location Preview image generated automatically User Conference 10/27/2016
Layer Example All users can now view and load data in Global Loader User Conference 10/27/2016
Project Example Bul 1 paleo with blocks that have become available since previous sale User Conference 10/27/2016
Project Example Benefit of building multiple layers and setting up fully formed maps Shared within company Take advantage of existing maps User Conference 10/27/2016
Search/Filter Show data from a specific contributor Show by type ESA data Individual users Company (all non-ESA data) Show by type Search names User Conference 10/27/2016
Global Loader Summary Interface to manage your data and GIS projects Think beyond Gulf of Mexico Near future will separate Global Loader toolbar so other regional teams won’t see GOM references User Conference 10/27/2016