The Industrial Revolution Click for “Lion King Clip” Social Darwinism Day 7 Section 6.3 (Appleby 230-232)
Objectives: By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Define Laissez-faire Identify William Graham Sumner and his philosophy Social Darwinism Identify Andrew Carnegie and his philosophy of the Gospel of Wealth Develop your political view on the role of government in economics
Discussion Questions What did you observe? What justifies who would survive and who would die?
Who was Charles Darwin? A Scientist Origin of the Species 1859 Major Theories Survival of the Fittest Natural Selection What if we apply this ideology to other aspects of society? Race, nationality, economics
What is a Laissez-Faire Economic Policy? “let it (nature) be” Government should stay out of economy Based on Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” Hated mercantilism Let Invisible Hand of nature run economy Which side of political spectrum?
Is there any justification for such economic disparity?
Describe William Graham Sumner’s idea of Social Darwinism: Definition: belief that people in society compete for survival and that superior individuals, groups, etc. become powerful and rich Natural selection fittest succeed unfit sink into poverty and become extinct Sumner- American sociologist who popularized S.D. Attempts to justify why the rich are so rich…they’re better
Describe Carnegie’s childhood and teenage years: Poor immigrant Rags to Riches Messenger in telegraph office (14) Became assistant to president in PA RR Invested savings in RR & oil Began own business manufacturing iron bridges
Describe Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth: Carnegie’s essay that says justifies social Darwinism ‘Natural aristocracy’ should control economy BUT, Wealthy have obligation to aid the less fortunate Help them help themselves Laissez-Faire is beneficial to all because weak links are eliminated, best rise to the top