Biblical Ethics Part 1: Introduction The Walk and Talk of Wisdom What is Biblical Ethics?
Biblical Ethics: The Walk and Talk of Wisdom How in this world can we live wisely, faithfully and obediently? How do we develop a Biblical moral worldview in a world of Bumper sticker ethics and Facebook morality? How should we practice right thinking and living in a world gone wrong? We will discuss what Scripture says about sanctification, personal holiness, and integrity. We will most importantly study how to make wise Biblical decisions. We then will apply Biblical ethics and wise decision making to controversial issues such as abortion, war, gay rights, environmental issues, racism, and political activism.
Why is there confusion?
What are some distinct ethical differences between non-believers and Christians?
What are some ethical issues that have caused controversy for Christians?
Marmite Effect
How do Christians know something is right or wrong?
What are Biblical Ethics?
What is the Difference Between Ethics and Morals? Ethics (for stall for horses) a place stability and permanence Morals (mores) shifting behavioral patterns of society
Why study Biblical Ethics? 1. Western culture has relinquished any absolute framework for thinking about ethical standards. 2. There are “slippery slope” issues to most ethical questions.
Why study Biblical Ethics? 3. Christians must understand the integrated nature of ethical issues 4. Many Christians know where they stand on certain ethical issues but they cannot Biblically defend their positions.
Where do people get their ethical ideas?
MYTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATURITY Maturity Myth #1: Spiritual growth is automatic once you are born again. Maturity Myth #2: Spiritual growth is mystical and maturity is attainable by only a select few. Maturity Myth #3: Spiritual maturity can occur instantly if you just find the right “key.”
MYTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATURITY Maturity Myth #4: Spiritual maturity is measured by what you know. Maturity Myth #5: Spiritual growth is a personal and private matter. Maturity Myth #6: All you need is Bible study to grow.
MYTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATURITY Maturity Myth #7: Your wanting to be Godly is all God wants. Maturity Myth #8: Spiritually mature Christians are always busy with church activities. Maturity Myth #9: Spiritually mature Christians don't mingle with those that are not like them.
MYTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATURITY Maturity Myth #10: Spiritually mature Christians are boring people Maturity Myth #11: Spiritually mature Christians are not seriously tempted.
MYTHS ABOUT SPIRITUAL MATURITY Maturity Myth #12: Spiritually mature Christians will experience nothing but health, wealth and prosperity. Maturity Myth #13: Spiritually mature Christians experience a peace that passes understanding no matter what the circumstance.
Five Areas of Personal Priority 1. Seek the Lord 2. Search the Word 3. Secure the Home 4. Serve the Body 5. Share the Gospel
1. Seek the Lord Basic Scriptures: Psalm 63:1 Matthew 6:33 Col. 1:18 The dynamic of true worship and praise Basic Scriptures: Psalm 63:1 Matthew 6:33 Col. 1:18 Jer. 9:23-24 Overview: Developing an intimate relationship with God, personal prayer and devotional life, personal praise, knowing and developing oneself
2. Search the Word Basic Scriptures: Col. 3:16 John 8:31-32 The dynamic of personal knowledge and application of the Word of God. Basic Scriptures: Col. 3:16 John 8:31-32 2 Tim. 2:15 Overview: Reading and studying the Scriptures, memorizing and meditating on God’s Word, knowing and doing God’s will, knowing basic Biblical teaching and doctrine.
3. Secure the Home Basic Scriptures: 1 Peter 3:7 Eph. 5:15-6:4 The dynamic of godliness and faithfulness with one’s spouse and children. Basic Scriptures: 1 Peter 3:7 Eph. 5:15-6:4 Overview: Developing right relationships with one’s spouse and family, providing for family needs, cultivating spiritual, social, mental, physical, and emotional areas.
4. Serve the Body Basic Scriptures: Romans 12 1 Cor. 12 Eph. 4:1 the dynamic of Christian fellowship, edification and accountability through the development of loving and caring relationships. Basic Scriptures: Romans 12 1 Cor. 12 Eph. 4:1 Overview: Corporate worship and fellowship, financial stewardship, edifying other believers, meeting needs, equipping for personal ministry and using spiritual gifts.
5. Share the Gospel Basic Scripture: Col. 3:22-25 the dynamic of effective, lifestyle evangelism through the power of the spirit, constrained by the love of Christ. Basic Scripture: Col. 3:22-25 Overview: Developing an evangelistic lifestyle, developing social and relational ties, neighborhood, work and play, discipleship ministries, cross-cultural (missions) ministry and church planting.
How is Godly wisdom applied to how we communicate Biblical Ethics to non-believers? How is Godly wisdom used to discern what the ethics of a situation?