How Are We Doing in High School Economics? Current Status of High School Economics
Why Teach Economics? Economics Is way of thinking different from the other social sciences. Can help young people learn how to participate in the economy as consumers, workers, savers, and producers Can help young people understand how the private sector works.
Standards and Courses NCEE, 2003 48 States plus the district of Columbia include economics in their standards. 34 states require implementation of standards. 17 states require offering an economics course 14 states require students to take an economics course. 27 states require testing of economics. 46% of high school graduates take an economics course
14 states require economics in high school. ( NCEE, 2003) Alabama California Florida Georgia Idaho Kentucky Louisiana New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas
Current Status of Financial Education Standards and Courses (NCEE,2003) 31 states have personal finance standards, many in economics standards 17 states with standards require implementation. 4 states require a course with personal finance. 4 states require students to take a course in personal finance 8 states have testing for personal finance concepts