Welcome to Strategic Management BMGT 481w
Brief overview of today’s session Introductions Attendance Review of course description, materials, & learning objectives Discussion of my role Review of my background Review of syllabus, course structure & materials, tests, projects, teams, & participation
NOT This course is … About NEW CONCEPTS 1. It is about refining your business KSAs and helping you demonstrate (apply) your knowledge 2. Expect to be challenged to expand on what you have already learned 3. Expect to hear the echo of your other professors 4. Significantly new content is NOT the objective but ensuring you can APPLY what you have learned from your other professors is the HIGHEST PRIORITY for this CAPSTONE COURSE
Bulletin Description: “This capstone course develops an overall management viewpoint and integrates various specialized functions such as Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Management Information Systems, and Human Resource Management. Topics include industry analysis, global competitiveness, international management, strategies for adjusting to the social, political and economic environment, approaches for developing and implementing strategic plans in organizations, managerial values and ethics, and social issues in business.”
Key Course Materials are online Course Syllabus is online and printable Course Textbook is an eBook only Analysis software is available with the eBook and the software is downloadable
The text required for this course is... Management Strategy & Performance Research, Analyze, and Report Online Raymond K. Van Ness 8th Edition
You and the quality of your learning are the central focus of this course.
Specific Course Objectives [1] To refine and apply your professional Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities so that you can achieve your career objectives more quickly. KSA review… Knowledge: What you know Skills: What you can do Abilities: How well you can do it
Specific Course Objectives (cont) [2] To create a highly interactive learning environment that integrates the essence of all business courses and is focused on enhancing your technical knowledge. [Strengthen What you KNOW] [3] To create an environment that enables you to develop the ability to assess corporate performance and evaluate TMT strategies. [Strengthen What you can do] [4] To provide you with step-by-step guidance for refining your skillset and developing your ability to: Expertly analyze corporate performance Professionally craft a written report of your findings [Strengthen How well you can do it]
Specific Course objectives (cont) [5] In summary, the objectives of this course include leveraging what you know, magnifying your skillset, and enabling you to develop distinguishing abilities. You will be encouraged to: Think critically Research effectively Assess objectively Communicate clearly
My responsibilities include cooking up a good course
This capstone course is divided into distinct learning segments This capstone course is divided into distinct learning segments. each Segment focuses on refining your ability to APPLY your business knowledge. 1) Strategic Concepts: How Corporate Strategies can be associated with Corporate Performance 2) Research Process: Data mining, sifting, and organizing 3) Analysis Process: Scrutinizing, correlating, weighing, and assessing corporate performance data 4) Project Demonstrating Excellence – PDE (Professional Summary – semester-long project) [WRITTEN summary of your assessment of a firm’s strategies and how these correlate with its performance – both financially and socially]
Select YOUR publicly traded company today! BUT the company MUST NOT HAVE A DEFICIT. You MUST select a company listed on a stock exchange in the United States and it MUST have a 10k -- see your Professor for guidance 1. You will become an expert on this company and it will be the focus of much of your strategic management analysis throughout the semester. It will be the focal point of your PDE (Project Demonstrating Excellence). 2. You will identify its strategies, assess how those strategies influenced performance, and provide your opinion about the quality of performance. 3. Your course textbook, “Management Strategy & Performance” and accompanying software will be your guide for this project.
3RD Data Sources (e.g. Yahoo!Finance Very important: Access the Annual Report from the Company’s website. Go to INVESTOR RELATIONS 2) Do not use 3rd Party online services for annual report data 3) Online 3rd Party online services are okay for other data 4) Begin collecting news items about your company IMMEDIATELY . ANNUAL REPORT Data Not Okay! 3RD Data Sources (e.g. Yahoo!Finance Okay! Non-ANNUAL REPORT Data
Strategy & Performance Research, Analyze, and Report Due by next class Read Chapter 1 in your text … Study the Syllabus Review the website (questions about the website and the syllabus will be on your first exam) [Seriously!] Management Strategy & Performance Research, Analyze, and Report Raymond K. Van Ness 8th Edition
Let’s review the website. Your new website