Plant reproduction and how it works!


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Presentation transcript:

Plant reproduction and how it works! Plant sex! Wait…what? Plant reproduction and how it works!

All Plants do it…

Structures for Plant Reproduction: Cones Flowers Pollen Ovules Seeds

Cones Vs. Flowers Cones - the seed bearing structure of non-flowering plants (gymnosperms) Flowers - the seed bearing structure of flowering plants (angiosperms)

Gymnosperms vs. angiosperms reproduction

The angio-difference: Double internal fertilization

Pollen, Ovules and Seeds Pollen – The male sex cell (sperm) is carried in a pollen grain Ovule – The female sex cell (egg) is located in the ovary. Seed – A structure that carries the embryo of a plant (after fertilization)

Functions of Seeds Protection -from drying out and disease Nourishment – contain cotyledons (seed leaf) that supply organic nutrients Dispersal – by wind, water, and animals Delayed growth – do not germinate until conditions are favorable

Flowers – The Reproductive Structure Male Part of the Flower Female Part of the Flower

Warm-up: Mitosis vs meiosis: But where? List at least five things you remember about mitosis and meiosis. What type of cells does mitosis create? And meiosis? Where do you think each process would occur in a flower?

Mitosis in plants happens in all of the other parts of the flower Meiosis in plants happens in the Ovule (for the egg) and in the Anther (for the sperm) Mitosis in plants happens in all of the other parts of the flower

Pollination Size and shape of the flower helps pollination to occur Cross Pollination: Self-pollination can also occur: Pollen is released from the anther and is transferred to the stigma. A pollen tube forms and grows through the style. The pollen tube reaches an ovule within the ovary, where the sperm fertilizes the egg.

Pollination Leads to Fertilization: https://s-media-cache- 0.gif

Fruits Structures in which seeds develop Promote seed dispersal through the digestive track of animals

All Plants do it… Alternation of generations Haploid Gametes = (1n) = Diploid Gametes (2n) Alternation of Generations is the process in which all plant life cycles include both haploid gametes and diploid gametes.

Alternation of generations This allows the plant to grow from a zygote into a mature organism, while also creating both pollen and ovules.