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Closest Living Relatives of Land Plants - Charophytes
Some Charophytes Chara Coelochaete
Typical Charophyte habitat ? Adaptations? - sporopollenin (polymer)
Pollen grains – land plants
Closest Living Relatives of Land Plants - Charophytes Why?? – 4 features 1) Rosette-shaped cellulose-synthesizing complex 2) Peroxisome enzymes 3) Structure of sperm phragmoplast 4) Formation of a phragmoplast These are all shared ancestral traits
What makes land plants unique 1. Alternation of generations Two different kinds of organisms 1) Gameophyte 2) Sporophyte
What makes land plants unique 2) Walled spores produced in sporangia Sporopollenin in walls -
What makes land plants unique 3) Multicellular gametangia
What makes land plants unique 4) Apical meristems
Who are the land plants and how are they related
Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Mosses Club mosses Ferns Gymnosperms Note: The bryophytes and the Bryophyta are not the same Angiosperms Bryophyte – a collective term for the liverworts, hornworts and mosses (3 separate phyla) Bryophyta – the formal Latin name for the phylum of the mosses
Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Mosses Club mosses Ferns Who are they? Gymnosperms Angiosperms 1) Liverworts Thalloid Leafy
Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Mosses Club mosses Ferns Who are they? Gymnosperms Angiosperms 2) Hornworts
Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Mosses Club mosses Ferns Who are they? Gymnosperms Angiosperms 3) Mosses
Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts Non-vascular Plants – The Bryophytes Mosses Club mosses Ferns Key feature of all the bryophytes Gymnosperms Angiosperms Gametophyte is dominant part of the life cycle Sporophyte Gametophyte
Life cycle of a Moss