Приветствия - Greetings Для друзей: Hello! Hi! Для взрослых, учителей: Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening!
How are you? Как дела? How are you? How are you doing? How is it going? How are things? Хорошо I'm fine, thank you. I'm Ok. I'm good. I'm great. I'm wonderful. I'm alright. I'm not bad. А у тебя? What about you? How about you? I'm fine too, thanks.
Знакомство What's your name? My name is… / I'm… / … Очень приятно! Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
Знакомство How old are you? I'm… (years old) What do you like doing? Я люблю… I like / I’m keen on / I’m fond of / I’m really into / I enjoy / I’m crazy about / I’m interested in… …reading / singing / drawing / painting / playing the guitar / playing computer games / going out with my friends
Do you have..? Do you have any siblings? A sibling – брат или сестра What's his name? What's her name? Her name is... / His name is… How old is he? How old is she? He is… / She is… Do you have any pets? a cat / a dog / a tortoise / a turtle / a parrot / a hamster / a rat / a guinea pig / a rabbit / a snail / fish
On the map
The official name of the country The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the UK The British Isles: Great Britain, Ireland and smaller islands Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales Ireland: Northern Ireland
Map of the UK England – London Scotland – Edinburgh Wales – Cardiff Northern Ireland – Belfast Washed by: The Atlantic Ocean in the North The North Sea in the East Separated from the Continent by the English Channel Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the Irish Sea
Facts Total Area: 242,495 square kilometers (93,628 square miles) 1 mile = 1,609 meters Population: 65 million people England 54 million people Scotland 5 million people Wales 3 million people Northern Ireland 1 million people The head of state is the Queen
Union Jack What is Union Jack? Union Jack is the flag of the UK What does the word Union stand for?
A combination of three crosses
Flag of Wales
It's time to say goodbye… Goodbye / Bye bye / Bye Farewell Take care See you later / soon / tomorrow / on Monday