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Wish you were here. Te Tuhi Pre-visit lesson 1 Wish you were here Pre visit lesson 1 Image: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990.
Welcome to Wish you were here. Over the next few lessons we will be exploring… Aotearoa NZ, a painted timeline Around the world and back Home and me / me and home Welcome to… Image: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990. http://stamp-collector.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2_99_305_497
Lets start this lesson by exploring Aotearoa NZ, a painted history. Image: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990.
For more than two centuries artists from here and around the world have crafted paintings that capture the landscape of Aotearoa NZ. Let’s see what places have been captured and what the inspiration was behind these landscape paintings. Each painting tells a story about the landscape, its history and the connection the artist shares with this place. Capturing the landscape…
Eugene von Guerard 1811 – 1901 Eugene von Guerard… Artists from Australia regularly visited Aotearoa NZ during the 19th century. One in particular was Australian artist Eugene von Guerard who travelled to New Zealand in 1876. The southern sounds continue to attract many artists today especially those who are inspired to capture through their art, such a rare and beautiful natural landscape. Between 1877-79 he painted Lake Wakatipu, Mount Earnslaw, Permbroke Peak and Bowen falls. Image/text: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990. http://www.radfordsmotel.co.nz/Activities/Milford-Sound-Experiences/Default.asp
Alfred Sharpe 1836 – 1908 Alfred Sharpe... Alfred knew the landscape would be filled with browns and grey-greens during the day but at sunset would light up with beautiful oranges, yellows, violets and purples. In 1859 artist Alfred Sharpe emigrated to Aotearoa NZ from England. He painted many landscapes including Pohutukawa trees in Takapuna and Hay’s Creek in Papakura. After years travelling to different places around Auckland, Alfred travelled to Taupiri mountain in the Waikato and painted the view from the top. Image/text: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990. http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~scottbarker/tid/tramping/taupiri/w-002.htm http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/2s18/sharpe-alfred
Artists began capturing all types of different landscapes. Some even showing how the landscape had changed over time, from hills to houses. As the years went by more artists felt inspired to capture the landscape by painting it. Let’s take a look. Changing landscape…
John Holmwood Rita Angus 1910 - 1987 1908 - 1970 John Holmwood and Rita Angus… In 1944 John Holmwood painted the hustle and bustle of the Wellington harbour wharves including workers, tug boats, wooden crates and soaring cranes. In 1940 Rita Angus created paintings of the Otago landscape, giving us a range of beautiful South Island landscapes to admire. Image/text: Blackley, Roger. Two Centuries of New Zealand Landscape Art. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery, 1990.
George Baloghy 1950 - George Baloghy… George Baloghy is an artist from Hungary who emigrated to Aotearoa NZ in 1956 . George paints his urban surroundings showing the character of buildings and streets, many of which today have been change or sadly demolished. Image/text: Brown, Warwick. 100 New Zealand Paintings. Birkenhead, Auckland: Godwit Publishing Ltd, 1995. http://www.aasd.com.au/subscribers/list_all_works.cfm?concat=BaloghyGeorg
Robin White 1946 - Robin White… In some artworks Robin paints and prints people she has meet and is good friends with. She often shows the person standing in front of their house. Robin’s paintings help show the character of a person and the home or town they live in. Artist Robin White was born in Te Puke in 1946 and over the years has lived in different places across Aotearoa NZ. Through her art we can see many places Robin has visited and live in, including Maketu and Mangaweka in the North Island. Image/text: Brownson, Ron. Art Toi: New Zealand Art at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki. Auckland: Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, 2011. http://www.otago.ac.nz/library/hocken/exhibitions/otago039040.html / http://www.nzmuseums.co.nz/account/3236/object/1432 / http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/culture/visual-arts/8532476/Delights-at-Te-Papa-makeover http://www.aasd.com.au/subscribers/number_by_medium.cfm?concat=WhiteRobin&class=3&year=2012&deforder=price%20desc&strt=21&show=10 / http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/artwork/18983/mangaweka
As we have seen, the landscape can inspire artists in different ways… Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far… Lets recap…
What have we learnt so far? Landscape painting can... Help connect us with the past and the history of a place Show how unique a place is Reflect memories growing up What have we learnt so far? Tell a story about the character of a place and the people that live there Image: http://youshotmedown.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/282/
In the next lesson we will explore ‘Around the world and back’. End of lesson.