YOUTH Philately in Austria The Austrian way to motivate youngsters to collect stamps
YOUTH Philately in Austria A project to work with schools 17 years ago today: 12 schools in Austria 8 of them are state schools including 2 special needs integration classes 4 privat schools
YOUTH Philately in Austria In total: nearly 1900 children between 7 and 10 years approximately 120 youngsters between 14 and 18 years 12 voluntary philatelic advisors
YOUTH Philately in Austria 1 x / month, 1 hour, during teaching time Primary school (6 – 10 years) in the context of „Introduction to Science“ Secondary school (11 – 14 years) in the context of „History“ or „Drawing“ Themes adapted to the education curriculum
YOUTH Philately in Austria How to motivate: To start with everyone should have a box: a stamp album a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers a stamp catalog one stockcard for stamps to be exchanged with likeminded fellows
YOUTH Philately in Austria Each meeting at school: 10 stamps in a bag 2nd class (7 - 8 years): Austrian stamps 3rd class (8 – 9 years): mixed stamps 4th class (9 – 10 years): also stamps from countries around Austria Principle of choice: Stamps reflacting the interest of the collector
YOUTH Philately in Austria Activities: Participation at domestic exhibitions Showing improved collections in schools Exhibitions during festivities Presenting collections during that times, when visitors and parents come to the school (e.g. „Open day“) Exhibition frames from the Austrian Federation
YOUTH Philately in Austria Publicity: in the Austrian philatelic publication „Die Briefmarke“ 2 – 3 pages information in „Die Briefmarke“ about stamps, collectable material, knowledge of issues different countries, … Sometimes to unravel a mystery with philatelic awards Reports about youth-activities in Austria during local exhibitions and events
YOUTH Philately in Austria Youth exhibitions during children‘s festivities attendance at stamp collector days and philatelic club activities 2016 - special award from the auction house Christoph Gärtner for youth activities in the Austrian Philatelic Federation
YOUTH Philately in Austria Conclusion: A high motivation of youth collectors during primary school few children also collect after the primary school in the country side some go to the collectors‘ clubs but most of the youth cease to collect, because of secondary school demands, other interests – to enjoy their young lives! In summary, we can say, that we can only „sow the seed“ and perhaps, they will come back to philately in the future!
YOUTH Philately in Austria Contact: The Austrian Philatelic Federation is very lucky to have a highly motivated member in the department „Youth“ Sybille PUDEK covered this function in a very committed way, in the last 10 years and was also involved in this project some years before. For additional information: visit our homepage: / >> Write an email to Sybille Pudek:
YOUTH Philately in Austria Many thanks for your attention!