Bullying Unit 1
Types of Bullying Verbal Social Physical Indirect Intimidation Cyberbulling
Verbal Bullying includes actions such as name calling teasing stating threats joking about a appearance, religion, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc. making offensive remarks verbal attacks Example: A group of students who call a certain student names because he/she can‘t run as fast the others.
Social Bullying includes actions such as making fun of somebody by pointing out their differences leaving somebody out of activities or from a group on purpose spreading rumors or made-up stories about somebody breaking up friendships Example: A group of students who make fun of another student because he/she can‘t run as fast as everyone else.
Physical Bullying includes actions such as hitting kicking punching shoving destroying something that belongs to somebody else theft Example: When somebody is unexpectedly being shoved to the ground by somebody.
Indirect Bullying includes actions such as spreading rumors or stories about somebody telling others about something that was told to you in private leaving somebody out of activities or from a group on purpose Example: When you start a rumor that a boy in your class likes playing with dolls and the reason that you made up the story was because you thought it was funny.
Intimidation Bullying includes actions such as threatening somebody frightening somebody to make him/her do what the bully wants
Cyberbulling when somebody is sending mean, threatening or vulgar messages and pictures or posting private and sensitive information about a person using communication technologies. can take place in social media, chatrooms, discussion forums, via email, instant messaging, on blogs, etc.
Characteristics of a Bully having both socially an psychologically difficulties adjusting to their environments having difficulties making friends and often being loners thinking that those in power are also the decision-makers having a sense of superiority, self-centeredness and lack of empathy showing violent and aggressive behavior learned from their home environments, their friends or even the media are more likely men than women taking part in smoking and drinking alcohol doing poorly in school poor coping skills associating with violent peers
Warning Signs of bullying Acts differently than usual Unexplained injuries, cuts and bruises Sleeping troubles or frequent bad dreams Changes in eating habits Wears damaged clothes Is missing clothes or other belongings Reports losing items such as smartphone, clothing, jewelry or money Lies, steals or runs away Has fewer friends or talks about not having friends or loosing them Excessive drug or alcohol use Loses interest in visiting and talking to friends Is afraid of going to school or other activities that used to be fun Begins to do poorly in school Talks about suicide or hurting themselves Feels sad, angry, anxious or depressed Feels helpless Avoids school or certain places Blames themselves for their problems Aggression with others Refusing to talk about what happens at school
Avoiding bullying Pay attention Get involved with the bully, the bullied and the bystander Give support Establish clear ground rules Create a cooperative classroom Never ever look away