Digital Collage Self-Portrait For this project you will compose your self-portrait from sections of multiple digital images of your face that are “stitched” together using Photoshop to form a unique and creative composite self-portrait. Think about your overall composition. Think about using different angles of the face together, different scales of features, different expressions together, etc. Your goofy Professor!
Some artists to look at for inspiration for your digital collage self-portrait
Wangechi Mutu
Wangechi Mutu
Wangechi Mutu
Wangechi Mutu
Romare Bearden
Romare Bearden
Fred Tomaselli
FRED TOMASELLI Abductor, 2006Leaves, photocollage, acrylic and resin on wood panel 96 X 78 inches
FRED TOMASELLI, Hang Over, 2005, Leaves, pills, acrylic, resin on wood panel, 84 X 120 inches
Fred Tomaselli
Fred Tomaselli, Detail