Learn about great Time Periods, Artist, and Vocabulary Art History Learn about great Time Periods, Artist, and Vocabulary
Expressionism “Nature is not only that which is visible to the eye it also includes the inner pictures of the soul.” Said by 19th century artists. Marking their inner feelings visible would be aim of many artist in this new century. The Artist Edvard Munch, came from Norway to Paris one of his most famous images is called either The Scream or The Cry originally translated as The Shriek. Much was outside as the sun went down causing the sky to turn blood red, he took a breath of sadness and felt a loud unending scream piercing nature.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, created a group called Die Brücke Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, created a group called Die Brücke. His artworks were created capturing the essence of modern life culture. They expressed emotions honesty and directly. Self portrait with Model, by Kircher, the clashing hues, strong lines and aggressive spirit make it a modern painting.
Fauvism 1900-1914 Art was created with brighter, more intense color than ever before, with the invention of brighter artificial pigments. Created by chemist it made a huge impact on the 20th century. Artist Henri Matisse, and Andre Derain met while taking an art class together. The Fauves( or the “wild beast”) were born. They started a painting with a style that was expressed with color. Using pure color was not a doorway to exploring dark primal passions but an exhilarating experience, a source of pleasure. Andre Derain, painted many Landscapes with bright unnatural colors.
Henri Matisse He trained to become a lawyer, but when he was in the hospital his mother gave him a water color pallet, she may have regretted that decision because soon after he abandoned the legal profession. “When I started to paint I felt transported into a kind of paradise.” In the Red Room, by Henri Matisse He enjoyed and explored what he called a living harmony of colors, a harmony analogous to a musical composition.
Henri Matisse The Morocans, by Henri Matisse This painting was made with no struggle, no shock, no tension, it created a pensive mood. Matisse said that he struggled to reach “an art of balance, of purity and serenity... something that calms the mind.”
Cubism Cubism was one of the most influential visual art styles of the early twentieth century. It was created by. Pablo Picasso. He is one of the most famous artist because of this. Picasso told a story about how he surpassed his father, a respected art instructor before he was ten years old. This reflects the absolute confidence and talent Picasso already had as a young man. Pablo Picasso, Girl with Mandolin The Old Guitarist, by Pablo Picasso
Analytical Cubism The first pictures are a collection of views from different angle fused into a balanced design. Picasso and Braque explored Cubism further and further, their work became more abstract and design of the many shapes in the picture became more important than any representational function. Still Life with Chair-Caning, by Pablo Picasso. He invented collage by attaching bits and pieces from everyday life. He used collage to play fast and loose with visual reality, to question its nature. He declared that a picture should “live its own life.”
Picasso that same year started creating Cubism space into three dimensions with Cubist assemblages. Pablo Picasso, Guitar We see a sense of Picasso moving back and forth as he looked at different parts of the guitar. We also get a scene of his perception and thought processes: the top of the guitar reminded him of a triangle; the center hole a cylinder. It is a report from the artist of what he saw and thought as he looked closely at an object.
Synthetic Cubism Pablo Picasso Artwork started becoming more playful, imaginative, and easily understood, and marked the opening of a new phase called Synthetic cubism. In Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians lively color reentered his picture and expression, too.
Quiz How did artist express Expressionism?
Quiz 2. What was the title? 3. What experience did the artist create this from?
4. Who was the artist? 5. What time period/art style was this from?
6. Who was the artist?
7. What did Chemist create that helped bring in the Fauvism period? 8. What art style was created by Pablo Picasso?
9. This artwork was an example of a..? 10. What type of cubism was used in this painting?