CHAPTER 3 Simplification of Boolean Functions Digital Logic Design CHAPTER 3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
Introduction The complexity of the digital logic gates that implement a Boolean function is directly related to the complexity of the algebraic expression from which the function is implemented. Methods for simplification of Boolean expression: Algebraic minimization Lack of specific rules Karnaugh map or K-map Combination of 2, 4, … adjacent squares
The map method The map method provides a simple straightforward procedure for minimizing Boolean function. The map is a diagram made up of squares. Each square represents one minterm The simplified expressions produced by the map are always in one of the two standard forms: Sum of Products (SOP) Product of Sums (POS)
Two-Variable Maps There are four minterms for two variables; (a) (b) The map consist of four squares, one for each minterm. (a) (b) Two-variable map m0 m1 m2 m3 x y
Two-Variable Maps If we mark the square whose minterms belong to a given function, the two variable map becomes useful way to represent any one of the 16 Boolean functions of two variables. As an example , the function xy is shown in fig. Since xy is equal to m3, a 1 is placed inside the square that belongs to m3. Similarly , the function x+y is represented in the map of other fig. by three squares marked with 1’s . These squares are found from the minterms of the function: x + y = x`y + xy`+ xy = m1+m2+m3
Representation of a function x y The three squares can be determined from the intersection of variable x in the second row and variable y in the second column. x y
Three-Variable Maps There are eight minterms for three binary variables. a map consists of eight squares. The minterms are arranged, not in a binary sequence, but in a gray code. Any two adjacent squares differ by only one variable. The map is marked with numbers in each row and each column to show the relationship between the squares and the three variables.
Three-Variable Maps For example, the square assigned to m5 corresponds to row 1 and column 01 . When these two numbers are concatenated, they give the binary number 101, whose decimal is 5. Another way of looking at square m5 = xy’z is to consider it to be in the row marked x and the column belonging to y’z (col. 01).
Three-Variable Maps Any two adjacent squares in the map differ by only one variable which is primed in one square and unprimed in the other. For example, m5 and m7 lie in two adjacent squares. Variable y is primed in m5 and unprimed in m7. From the postulates of Boolean algebra, the sum of two minterms in adjacent squares can be simplified to a single AND term. e.g.: m5 + m7 = xy`z + xyz = xz(y`+y) = xz Here the two squares differ by the variable y, which can be removed when the sum of the two minterms is formed.
Simplify the Boolean Function Any two minterms in adjacent squares that are ORed together will cause a removal of the different variable. Example 3-1
Simplify the Boolean Function First, a 1 is marked in each square as needed to represent the function. This can be accomplished in two ways: By converting each minterm to a binary number and then marking a 1 in the corresponding square. By obtaining the coincidence of the variables in each term. The next step is to subdivide the given area into adjacent squares. These are indicated in the map by two rectangles, each enclosing two 1’s.
Simplify the Boolean Function
Simplify the Boolean Function One square represents one minterm, giving a term of three literals. Two adjacent squares represent a term of two literals. Four adjacent squares represent a term of one literal.
Four-Variable Maps
Four-Variable Maps Two adjacent squares represent a term of three literals. Four adjacent squares represent a term of two literals Eight adjacent squares represent a term of one literal The larger the number of squares combined, the smaller the number of literals in the term.
Simplify the Boolean Function Simplify F(w,x,y,z) = ∑(0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,12,13,14) = y’ + w’z’ + xz’ Simplify: F = A’B’C’+B’CD’+A’BCD’+ AB’C’ = B’D’ + B’C’ + A’CD’
Product of Sums Simplification The complement of a function is represented in the map by the squares not marked by 1’s. We obtain a simplified expression of the complement of the function.
NAND And NOR Implementation Digital circuits are more frequently constructed with NAND or NOR gates than with AND and OR gates. easier to fabricate with electronic components. They are the basic gates used in all IC. Rules and procedures have been developed for the conversion from Boolean functions given in terms of AND,OR, and NOT into equivalent NAND or NOR logic diagrams.
NAND And NOR Implementation
NAND Implementation The implementation of a Boolean function with NAND gates requires that the function be simplified in the sum of products form.
NAND Implementation The rule for obtaining the NAND logic diagram from a Boolean function is as follows: Simplify the function and express it in sum of products. Draw a NAND gate for each product term of the function that has at least two literals. The inputs to each NAND gate are the literals of the term. Draw a single NAND gate (using the AND-invert –OR graphic symbol) in the second level, with inputs coming from outputs of first-level gates. A term with a single literal requires an inverter in the first level or may be complemented and applied as an input to the second-level NAND gate.
NOR Implementation The NOR function is the dual of the NAND function. All procedures and rules for NOR logic are the dual of the corresponding procedures and rules developed for NAND ligic. implementation of a Boolean function with NOR gates requires that the function be simplified in product of sums form. To obtain the simplified product of sums from a map , it is necessary to combine 0’s in the map and then complement the function.
NOR Implementation To obtain the simplified product of sums expression for the complement of the function, it is necessary to combine the 1’s in the map and then complement the function.
Don’t-Care Condition There are applications where certain combinations of input variables never occur. A four-bit decimal code, for example, has six combinations which are not used. As a result, we don’t care what the function output is to be for these combinations of the variables because they are guaranteed never to occur. These don’t-care conditions can be used on a map to provide further simplification of the function.
Don’t-Care Condition It should be realized that a don’t-care combination cannot be marked with a 1 on the map. An X will be used. When choosing adjacent squares to simplify the function in the map, the X’s may be assumed to be either 0 or 1 , whichever gives the simplest expression. An X need not be used at all if it does not contribute to covering a larger area.