AECOM Transport CLG Richard Corbin September 2016
Previous presentation for July CLG also available on the website Recap CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Introduction Previous presentation for July CLG also available on the website Recap Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) Trip Generation (Development Traffic) 134 daily HGV arrivals (worst case, excluding rail HGV reduction) 45 staff and delivery arrivals Purpose: Update on latest work 2
Development Traffic Profile CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Development Traffic Profile AM Busiest PM Note: A small number of vehicle trips may occur outside these hours. 3
Committed Developments CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Committed Developments Scheme Description TA Status High Leigh Mixed-used, residential-led scheme, up to 535 residential units; located adjacent to the A10 in the west of Hoddesdon. Included Trent Developments Anaerobic Digestion and Advanced Thermal Treatment plants; located on Ratty’s Lane. Morrisons Supermarket development in town centre, opened 2013. Associated traffic picked up within June 2016 surveys. Oaklands Yard Residential scheme, 71 dwellings; located off Essex Road, west of the New River bridge. Hoddesdon Business Park Mix of business units, replacing similar land use. Transport impact not significant / did not warrant its own assessment. Not Included 4
CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE INFORMATION Study Junctions Transport Assessment study area agreed with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). Includes five study junctions, evaluated using the assessment scenarios: 5
Proposed Development Traffic: AM Peak (0800-0900)
Proposed Development Traffic: Busiest Operational Hour (1200-1300)
Proposed Development Traffic: PM Peak (1700-1800)
Liaison with HCC Veolia and AECOM met with HCC earlier in the year to discuss and agree the transport assessment methodology A follow-up meeting was held in August to discuss progress with the assessment and the findings to date HCC has confirmed that the method followed is appropriate and that the transport impact of the proposed ERF does not appear to be significant AECOM has provided the junction modelling computer files to HCC for review and audit, prior to the assessment being completed HCC confirmed they are looking at highway capacity in the area, particularly within the industrial estate and at the Essex Road bridge. The authority is currently preparing a preferred design option for the latter which it intends to consult on later this year. A financial contribution from Veolia will be required as part of any planning consent granted, towards these improvements