TREN EXPRESO DE GUANAJUATO (TEG) Length: Corridor 142 km Corridor: León – Guanajuato - Celaya Investment: 1,384.61 million dollars* Location: State of Guanajuato Expected traffic: 87 thousand passengers per day PPP model: Concession Bidding process information: Expected* First Semester 2012 Construction duration: 2011-2015 Description: Medium speed railroad passenger transportation system, confined, with the construction of new railway infrastructure, including the construction of 17 stations, railroads bypass, vehicular, pedestrian and railroad bridges, and complementary works. Benefits: It will contribute to solve road congestion at the highway and federal road, and it will also contribute to reduce pollution emissions and fuel consumption. Regional Impact: Job creation and integration of 6 of the different cities at the state of Guanajuato. * Dates may vary / Exchange rate: 13 pesos mexicanos per United States dollar
FAST TRAIN TRANSPENINSULAR MERIDA-PUNTA VENADO. Length: Railroad Track 335.8 km Train Stations 11 (First stage: 7) Route: Merida - Punta Venado, 8 km south of Playa del Carmen Investment: 716.44 million dollars (First stage) Location: Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo Expected traffic: 6.2 million passengers per year / 6.3 million tons for the first year. PPP model: Public-Private Partnership Bidding process information: First Semester of 2012. Description: Passenger rail service designed to promote tourism in the Yucatan Peninsula, including a freight-rail transport to attend the seaports and airports. It includes the construction of stations, transfer centers, vehicular, pedestrian, cattle and railroad bridges. Benefits: Increase productivity and competitiveness of the area by reducing the cost of freight and passenger mobility, improvements in safety and comfort passengers, traffic reduction in road transport routes, accident reduction and support for the promotion of tourist routes. Regional Impact: Regional development through economic benefit as a result of increased tourism, greater regional integration and job creation. *Exchange rate: 13 mexican pesos per United States dollar
ENCARNACIÓN-EL CASTILLO Length: Railroad Bypass 195 km Corridor: Encarnación – El Castillo Investment: 230.77 million dollars* Location: State of Jalisco Expected traffic: 1,500 freight wagons PPP model: Public investment Expected traffic: 110 million passengers per year Bidding process information: Expected * First Semester of 2012 Construction duration: 24 months Description: The project consists of a railroad bypass, railroad bridges, and complementary works. Benefits: According to the importance of the Pacífico Norte corridor, the axis cross and the reduction from Guadalajara – Encarnación, is one of the most important pending constructions in the area. It will help diminish the traffic saturation at the Guadalajara-Irapuato corridor and reduce the train traffic at the city of Irapuato. The concessionaire may reduce the operative costs and safe until 171 Km in the travel length. Actually exists 123 million dollars*, in usable infrastructure, that might considerably decrease the investment. Regional Impact: Economic development to the region by the railway and significant reduce of pollution emissions at the atmosphere. Dates may vary / Exchange rate: 13 pesos mexicanos per United States dollar
CELAYA RAILWAY BYPASS Length: 23.4 km for Line “A” 27.7 km for Line “NB” Total: 51 km Corridor: Lazaro Cardenas – Laredo Manzanillo – Mexico City Estimate investment: 220.0 million dollars Location: State of Guanajuato Expected traffic: To be determined PPP model: Public investment: including both federal and local government funds Construction duration: 2010-2012 Description: Design and construction of a railroad bypass system around the urban area of Celaya, consisting in a new exchange yard that substitutes the one operating today, a park for automobile industry suppliers and an intermodal terminal for the handling of fiscal cargo and domestic traffic. Benefits: Decrease time lost due to the traffic congestion and the exchange of trains, reduce the number of accidents avoiding the crossing of the railroad over more than 18 dangerous crossings, improve efficiency and competitiveness in the transportation of goods. Regional Impact: The project considers the installation of future industrial parks that will benefit from the new tracing out of the railways, without compromising the wellbeing of the urban zone. It will encourage more investment in the region and will exploit the economic potential of Guanajuato; and it will allow the expansion of the capacity of the railroad in the future, enabling a higher coverage in the coming years.
Suburban Railway
SYSTEM 3 OF THE MEXICO CITY METROPOLITAN AREA SUBURBAN RAILWAY (CHALCO - LA PAZ /STA MARTHA - ONSTITUCIÓN DE 1917) Length: Chalco-La Paz-Sta Martha- Constitución 1917: 23.10 km Chalco-Sta Martha-Constitución 1917: 25.40 Kms Route: Chalco – La Paz –Constitución 1917 Chalco-La Paz-Sta Martha- Constitución 1917 Investment: 1,100 million dollars Location: State of Mexico Expected traffic: 110 million passengers per year PPP model: Concession Bidding process information: First Semester 2011 Construction duration: 24 months Description: Massive railroad passenger transportation system, electrified and confined (using existing railway infrastructure). It includes the construction of stations, transfer centers, vehicular, pedestrian and railroad bridges, and complementary works. Benefits: Journey time savings (1 hr 20 min), it will contribute to solve road congestion at the Mexico-Puebla highway and federal road, in the stretch between the La Paz Subway station and the zone of the Valley of Chalco. It will also contribute to reduce air pollution and fuel consumption. Regional Impact: Job creation, integration of the different areas of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico.
CONTACT DETAILS Pamela Castillo Aldape Director of International Affairs Email: pamela.castillo@sct.gob.mx Phone: 52+ extension 10714 www.sct.gob.mx/english