2016/17 4th Quarter Financial Performance Portfolio Committee
Content Departmental expenditure per programme Departmental expenditure per Economic Classification; 4th Quarter: Expenditure vs projections 4th Quarter expenditure by priority Expenditure to date per priority
Departmental expenditure to date per programme Programmes Final Appropriation Spending Under/(Over) Spent % spent R’000 % 1: Administration 1 621 877 1 607 482 14 395 99.1% 2:NGMS 676 946 668 582 8 364 98.8% 3:Rural Development 1 832 279 1 814 769 17 510 99.0% 4: Restitution 3 335 794 3 331 114 4 680 99.9% 5: Land Reform 2 657 448 2 645 051 12 397 99.5% TOTAL 10 124 345 10 066 999 57 346 99.4% Under spent amount of R57.3 million was mainly due to vacant posts
% shared expenditure per programme Restitution includes land claims purchase and financial compensation; Land Reform includes land acquisition and recap; Rural Development includes infrastructure, agriculture and non- agriculture projects;; Administration includes office accommodation; computer services & PPP transaction; and NGMS includes spatial planning and land use management
Expenditure to date per Economic Classification Econ Class Final Appropriation Spending Under/(Over) Spent % spent R’000 % Current Payments 3 826 631 3 746 037 80 593 97.9% Compensation of Employees 2 142 593 2 065 290 77 303 96.4% Goods and Services 1 683 230 1 679 942 3 288 99.8% Interest and Rent on Land 808 806 3 99.7% Transfer and Subsidies 5 565 213 5 563 967 1 246 100.0% Depart Agencies & Acc 1 539 208 1 539 207 1 Foreign Gov & Int Org 2 360 2 333 27 98.9% Households (HH) 3 904 974 3 903 771 1 203 Non Profit Institutions 3 326 Provincial and Local Gov 115 344 115 330 14 Public Corp & Private Ent 0.0% Payments Capital Asset 732 500 732 280 221 Buildings & Other Fix Stru 568 868 Land and Subsoil Assets 104 405 104 403 2 Machinery and Equipment 59 227 59 009 218 99.6% Payment for Fin Assets 24 714 -24 714 Total 10 124 345 10 066 999 57 346 99.4%
4th Quarter: Programme Projections vs Expenditure 4th Quarter projections: R2.417 billion Expenditure: R3.780 billion 4th Quarter % spent: 156.4% Spending for the 4th Quarter amounted to R3.780 billion against the projected expenditure of R2.417 billion for the same period; This implies an overspending of R1.363 billion against the projections for the same period. Over spending was mainly due to additional land claims settlement agreements approved; rural development and land reform projects expenditure
4th Quarter expenditure by priority (Household) Priorities Expenditure Quarter 4 R'000 Rural Infrastructure Development 265 352 Rural Enterprise and Industrial Development 194 342 NARYSEC 96 708 Land Claims 1 418 899 Land Reform 229 938 Sub Total 2 205 239 Recapitalisation 244 549 Land Acquisition 214 974 459 523 Grand Total 2 664 762
Expenditure to date by priority (Household) Priorities Expenditure 2016/17 R'000 Rural Infrastructure Development 660 044 Rural Enterprise and Industrial Development 372 629 NARYSEC 349 423 Land Claims 2 677 533 Land Reform 381 417 Subtotal 4 441 047 Recapitalisation 401 010 Land Acquisition 881 003 1 282 013 Grand Total 5 723 060