* Concerns-Māori Boys Years 5, 6,8 HOROTIU WHAANAU HUI-MARCH 2016 What do we need to know? ERO-2016-17 Focus: Outcomes for Maori, Priority Ones MOE-ILE Compliance by 2021 What is our Māori data telling us? Reading 69% AT/ Above Writing 71% AT//Above Math 66 % AT/ Above Winners-Māori Girls * Concerns-Māori Boys Years 5, 6,8 How do we compare? Ka Hikitea Goals: Our next Steps? How do we accelerate success for; Māori? Each individual? What strategies can we employ that are appropriate (in particular) for Māori? How can we encourage, build pride in being Māori?
So what are we doing about it in Horotiu? 2016 Meeting the needs of our learners….. Collaborative Practice Google Planning Learning Progressions Personalized Curriculum Staff Training ILE pedagogies Charter Development Developing our Curriculum Vision, Mission Learner Profile Targets/ Review Why and What Change is Necessary? Property Developments Creating ILE Spaces Furnishings Technology Community Engagement Dialogue, konohi ki te konohi Leadership-Visibility Review, Transparency Training ‘If you always do what you have always done, you will always get, what you’ve always got.’
Re-visioning in 2016-The Horotiu Curriculum 1. Vision Our roads map to success An aspirational statement The reason we exist…. Teacher /BOT Ideas Aim high and stand together with pride; Aspire to inspire; Aim high, stand tall; Strive together for success; Inspire the desire, to aspire! 2. Mission-Our call to arms or rallying cry! Defines our core purpose or vision What we do? Who does it? How we do what we do? What we wish to become and achieve? “Empower learners where challenges are embraced as opportunities for learning.’’ ‘’To facilitate innovation where history is valued, progress celebrated and obstacles are embraced as opportunities.’’ Vision / Mission 2014-15 Learning is the focus at Horotiu School. We nurture success in all areas. 3. Learner Profile/ Graduate Profile After living, loving and learning in Horotiu School…. Attributes, skills, measurables we will demonstate? Eg Room 2 -Confident, Collaborators, Thinkers, Creative, Contributors, Proud to be me! Teachers- Creative, Communicators, Confident, Collaborators, Innovators, Self Managing BOT- Innovators, Leaders, Thinkers, Self Managing