GISC Seoul Status TT-GISC, Melbourne 18-22 April 2016 Submitted by LEE Okki, PhD for Republic of Korea
Tokyo-Seoul migration (31 Jan 2016) Migration to RMDCN Tokyo-Seoul migration (31 Jan 2016) Leased line 128Kbps to RMDCN (4Mbps)*2 (HSRP) Socket-based to WMO FTP procedures Beijing-Seoul migration (30 November 2015) Frame Relay 32Kbps to RMDCN (4Mbps)*2 (HSRP) Socket-based to WMO FTP procedures(2009.7) Planning data exchange tests with Melbourne
GISC Seoul Current Status Cache Exchange Virtual Data Centres GISC Seoul GISCs GISC Metadata Synchronization GISC GISC GEOSS WIS + GEOSS Metadata storage Harvesting GEOSS Metadata by OAI-PMH GISC GISC GISC Seoul Portal GISC GISC Cache/ Metadata Cache from VDC: 380K, 5G/day DCPC NMSC DCPC WAMIS DCPC LC/LRFMME NC Seoul 104/25Gb 69 107 165/45Mb (metadata/cache)
Data Providers Brokered (capacities, systems, networks, etc.) WIS GEOSS interoperability Data Providers Brokered (capacities, systems, networks, etc.) .. . GEO Home Page GEOSS Portal About 120 Supply Systems Semantic engines Registry (CSR) Brokering Framework GEOSS Community Portals WIS (GSIC Seoul) (DWD node) GCI 150K from GEO-DAB to GISC-SEOUL Metadata harvesting since Feb 2015
Software for GISC, DCPC and NC, being developed and maintained by OpenWIS Software for GISC, DCPC and NC, being developed and maintained by Met Office Météo-France & Météo-France International Korea Meteorological Administration Australian Bureau of Meteorology NOAA/NWS, FMI and ECMWF Based on modern, proven, and open-source Java, Linux, Application Server, DBMS, etc.
GSIC Seoul Monitoring - Daily and monthly statistics of metadata, with addition/deletion - Daily and monthly statistics of cache data/size * past 7 days and last three months - Pie charts per category (%) - Grouping by CCCC, TTAAii, downloadable