Briefing notes and sales support for news media sales teams Employment market Briefing notes and sales support for news media sales teams
What’s in this deck? This deck is split into two sections: Section 1 An overview of the Australian employment market The 2015 Media i Industry Survey asked agencies “what are the most important factors when dealing with media owners”. The most common factor (52% agreed ) was “understanding of your client’s business and category”. Section 1 of this deck won’t make you an instant expert, but it will help get you up to speed on the most important facts about the category. Section 2 Support slides for sales presentations Every great sales presentation is tailored for each client, but there are certain points that fit most clients within a category. Section 2 contains research about how news media can help employers and recruiters reach quality candidates.
Section 1 Employment market: an overview
Labour market: employment growth The total number of jobs is still growing, albeit at a slower pace than six months ago Key Figures Apr 15 to Apr 16 Employed persons 2.0% Unemployed persons -4.9% Unemployment rate (%) -0.4pts Participation rate (%) 0.1pts Sources: ABS, Labour Force, Australia Cat. No. 6202.0, April 2016.
Labour market: growth industries Employment trend increases Health Care and Social Assistance (up 82,800) Retail Trade (up 68,300). Employment trend decreases Manufacturing (down 45,500). Strongest rates of growth Financial and Insurance Services (up 9.7%) Administrative and Support Services (up 9.3%). Note. Table reprinted from Labour Market Update Report, Department of Employment, April 2016. Sources: Department of Employment, Labour Market Update Report, April 2016; ABS, Labour Force, Australia, detailed, Cat. No. 6291.0.55.003, February 2016.
Labour market: job seekers A switch from full- to part-time work means more jobs but fewer hours being worked Women account for 55% of part-time job seekers. Women are 10% more likely to be seeking part-time employment compared to the population norm, while men are 27% more likely to be looking for full-time work. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016.
Labour market: employed job seekers People looking to change jobs account for 53 per cent of all job seekers Men make up 55% of employed job seekers. People aged 16 to 29 are 99% more likely to be seeking to switch from part- to full-time employment. Men aged 30 to 44 are 160% more likely to be looking to switch to another full-time position. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016.
Recruitment industry: revenue A declining unemployment rate and growing labour force is driving demand for recruitment services Estimated revenue: $11.0 billion (2015-16) Annual growth (2015-16) 3.8% Annualised growth (2011-16): 0.2% Forecast annual growth (2016-2021): 2.5% Businesses: 6,974 Source: IBISWorld, Employment Placement and Recruitment Services in Australia, March 2016.
Recruitment industry: major markets The construction, engineering and trades market makes up the largest proportion of industry revenue at 22%. The banking, finance and insurance market is the smallest recruitment market, contributing just 6% of industry revenue. Source: IBISWorld, Employment Placement and Recruitment Services in Australia, March 2016.
Online recruitment: strong growth Solid demand and rapid uptake of job search technology has boosted industry revenue Estimated revenue: $296 billion (2015-16) Annual growth (2015-16) 3.2% Annualised growth (2011-16): 2.8% Forecast annual growth (2016-2021): 2.9% Businesses: 37 Source: IBISWorld, Online Recruitment Services in Australia, October 2015.
Online recruitment: major players The four largest online recruitment companies account for up to 95% of industry revenue. Source: IBISWorld, Online Recruitment Services in Australia, October 2015.
Recruitment methods used by employers More than half (57%) of all job vacancies are advertised through the internet or in a newspaper Almost half (48%) of job vacancies are placed on online platforms. Smartphones and website improvements have made job sites easier to navigate and access. Nearly one in five (18%) job vacancies are advertised in print newspapers. Employers use word-of-mouth to recruit for 17 per cent of vacancies. The use of social media to advertised vacancies is on the increase, although it still remains relatively low. Source: Department of Employment, 2014-2015 Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, 2015.
Section 2 Support slides for sales presentations
About these slides The following slides provide general supporting arguments to assist sales teams when building client-specific presentations. The purpose is to open discussion, to demonstrate a basic understanding of factors that can influence the desired outcomes of clients and prospects, and to show how news media can help to influence the marketing process. These slides are intended to be used in a presentation after recapping the brief, and before presenting analysis and recommendations tailored to the specific client. Needless to say, they can and be should be adapted to suit your particular presentation requirements. Recap client/agency brief Real estate industry support slides Client specific analysis Recommendations
News media can help Employers try to fill around two million job vacancies each year. On the supply side, 3.4 million people are seeking work or interested in changing roles. News media offers recruiters solutions to reach quality candidates through employment sections in newspapers and job sites. Sources: ABS, 6354.0 – Job Vacancies, Australia, April 2016; emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016.
News media reaches job seekers 3 million people actively looking for employment opportunities read news media in the last 4 weeks. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
active job seekers read news media. That’s right. 9 in every 10 active job seekers read news media. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
Making the right connections News media employment sections and websites reach where other employment sites can’t Australia’s largest employment site, Seek, reaches 3.9 million, or 25 per cent of job-seekers (826,000). Most news media readers say they don’t use Seek. Only 30 per cent will visit that site each month. That’s 2.3 million prospective employees who don’t visit the country’s most popular jobs site but see news media employment content. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
The power of print Print employment sections are a valuable resource for employers to reach active and passive job seekers Over a four-week period newspaper employment sections reach a quality audience of 2.8 million readers. Some 557,000 of these readers (20%) say they are actively seeking a new role. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016.
Use print for quality candidates Employment sections are particularly effective at reaching high-value/high-earning positions and occupations. Readers are 18% per cent more likely to be C-Suite executives or professionals than non-readers Readers are 13% more likely to earn $120,000pa or more. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016.
Readers of job sections go beyond high-income earners Employment sections attract above-average numbers of readers across key occupation categories Likelihood of reading employment sections/websites compared with the total population 14+ Occupation More likely Manager +28% Clerical & Administrative +18% Professional +16% Machinery operator/diver +14 Community & Personal Services +6% Technical/ Trades +4% Sales News media is a highly efficient way for advertisers to reach potential employees, no matter what role they wish to fill. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
1.8 million every month. Net new recruits Employers can expand their reach of candidates with publisher employment websites Print sections work in tandem with publisher sites such as CareerOne and Adzuna. Publisher employment sites reach 1.8 million every month. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
Publishers’ employment websites attract a highly educated audience Top recruits Publishers’ employment websites attract a highly educated audience Visitors to publisher-owned job sites are 21 per cent more likely to have a tertiary qualifications than the average Australian. They are also 11 per cent more likely to be currently studying toward tertiary qualifications compared to others. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
The combined reach of print and digital news media: Combine and conquer Employers who run ads in print and online reach a much larger pool of potential candidates. 69% 71% The combined reach of print and digital news media: 90% of active jobseekers Print Digital Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2016; Nielsen DRM March 2016, People 14+ only.
Client specific analysis & recommendations This is the point to bridge to a client specific discussion. Each presentation will need to be individually tailored to suit the client and their objectives, but the logical flow from here is to move on to Analyses that address the client’s specific situation, challenges and opportunities. Solutions using your inventory, giving clear reasons why they are appropriate to the client’s specific needs, and suggestions on how they can be used most effectively.
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