Preparing for the District YIP Meeting Monthly Coaching Meeting 2016-2017 The purpose of this module is to help DCs strategically gather the necessary information to share with DLTs to support the development of a relevant, meaningful action plan to effectively implement PBIS across the district. NOTE: This module should be reviewed with coaches at least 2 months prior to the district’s YIP meeting. All areas in ‘RED’ font should be updated to reflect district-specific information. Please review this module in its entirety prior to the monthly coaching meeting to ensure ease of presentation, relevancy, and inclusion of any district-specific items, as needed. DC Name and Contact Information Date
Agenda Purpose of the YIP District-wide data review Coach Input on Implementation Drivers Identify strengths and barriers Brainstorm possible district supports to enhance PBIS implementation Very rarely are school-based PBIS team members or coaches able to participate in the district’s YIP meeting. However, since these individuals are on the ‘front lines’ it is essential to solicit their input for consideration during the review and development of the yearly PBIS plan. This agenda outlines the suggested topics to be reviewed with coaches during a monthly meeting prior to the YIP. Include additional district-specific items, as needed. NOTE: Be sure to download the ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ document aligned with this module and make copies or email it to the coaches prior to the meeting.
Purpose of the YIP Build awareness of FLPBIS:MTSS Project resources Build awareness of district’s commitment to the system change process Understand how district data compares with the state and national data Plan with stakeholders to build district capacity and sustainability of all implementation components Develop action plan to allocate resources and ensure success in achieving outcome and implementation goals This slide outlines the purpose of the YIP. Share with the coaches that the YIP must be held at least annually with the DLT, but can be convened more often as needed and/or desired, with the purpose of building district and school-based capacity for PBIS implementation.
Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers Hand out or refer to the ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ document which was emailed prior to the meeting. Let the coaches know that these are the areas addressed during the YIP and which you will be reviewing together today during the meeting to get their input on (1) things that are working well, and (2) barriers that need to be addressed.
District PBIS Leadership Team Attends YIP meeting Coordinates scheduled events with FLPBIS:MTSS Project Identifies outcome and implementation goals measures used to collect data and evaluate effectiveness and evaluates school/district based coaches specific schools and district personnel to support PBIS implementation Supports coaching activities school teams implementing PBIS progress monitoring of discipline and academic data use of PBIS Evaluation Tools Briefly review the responsibilities of the DLT as noted on above. This slide can be hidden if your coaches are familiar with the DLT responsibilities.
PBIS Yearly Implementation Planning PBIS District Leadership Team (DLT) Yearly Planning Meeting Date/Time PBIS DLT Members and Positions/Roles Discussion Are there other key stakeholders that might play an essential role on the PBIS District Leadership Team? Consider family and community voice Consider culturally diverse membership Insert your district information in #1 and #2. Discuss with the coaches why these staff members are part of the PBIS DLT and what they are able to contribute based on their unique/particular roles in the district. Discussion: As a group, brainstorm other people that would be significant to include on the PBIS DLT and record responses.
Coaching and Technical Assistance School-based PBIS Team Member is identified as the ‘Point of Contact’ All PBIS team members support and facilitate ongoing implementation and coaching support DLT Support for PBIS Coaching Ensure access to a local coaching network to establish and sustain implementation Support availability of team members to provide school-based coaching and facilitation support Emphasize and support school-based coaching functions Guarantee tiered coaching supports are available based on assessment of implementation needs Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Explain and discuss the DLT responsibilities to support and build-capacity at the school-level for effective PBIS implementation with fidelity. NOTE: Question is animated and appears upon ‘click’. Discuss with the coaches what supports their schools and/or PBIS teams might need to ensure PBIS coaching activities are supported as outlined. Be sure to record their responses. What district supports might be needed at your school to Ensure PBIS coaching occurs as outlined?
Coaching Point of Contact Responsibilities Discussion Communication link between the school-based PBIS team and the District Coordinator Enter PBIS evaluation data into PBSES three times annually Communicate behavior data to the PBIS team, staff, family and community stakeholders Ensure progress monitoring and student outcome data are incorporated into PBIS planning and implementation Are there potential barriers to accomplishing these responsibilities? What district supports might eliminate those barriers? Review the Point of Contact responsibilities outlined. Ensure all teams have a PoC and that the PoC understands his/her responsibilities. NOTE: Questions are animated and appear upon ‘click’ Discuss the questions outlined and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to share with the DLT. Be sure to record coaching responses.
FLPBIS Coaching Framework The essential skills necessary for effective PBIS coaching are layered across the three skill sets depicted above. Although this presentation does not go into depth on these skills, DCs may want to schedule the Coaching 101 training to provide detailed information on each skill set, along with practice and implementation activities. Briefly review the each of the ‘layers’ Foundation = facilitated 4-step problem solving Leadership and Support = interpersonal communication skills and professional learning opportunities MTSS content knowledge dissemination = primary areas of expertise needed to support PBIS:MTSS NOTE: The question is animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the question and brainstorm strategies to share with the DLT. Be sure to record coaching responses. What supports and/or professional learning opportunities would be beneficial for your PBIS team members based on the coaching framework skill sets?
Content Expertise High levels of content knowledge, fluency and experience support culturally relevant and high fidelity implementation of evidence-based practices and systems There are staff with MTSS expertise fluent in the continuum of support. Specialized support staff have behavioral expertise. Implementers understand the academic/behavioral connection and the organizational system (e.g., school team or district structure) to support a multi-tiered system effectively and efficiently. Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Content Expertise is folded into the PBIS Coaching Framework (MTSS Content Knowledge Dissemination) and covered in more detail on the following slide. Stress to the coaches that multiple people on the team (or within the school or across the district) should be available to provide the various areas of content expertise.
Content Expertise PBIS Specific Discussion What expertise exists at your school? What expertise have you accessed within the district? What additional supports does your team need? What barriers exist in obtaining the content expertise supports needed at your school, if any? Multi-tiered system for academics and behavior Data-driven decisions based on 4-step problem-solving facilitation Principles of behavior including function of behavior Evidence-based interventions and strategies Implementation fidelity This slide addresses some of the content areas specific to school-based PBIS implementation. Review with the coaches who on their team may be available to provide the supports necessary in each of these areas. NOTE: Questions are animated and appear upon ‘click’ Discuss the questions outlined and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to share with the DLT. Be sure to record responses.
Professional Development Opportunities Ongoing training of evidence-based practices to build and sustain PBIS implementation is a priority. PBIS Leadership Team Gives priority to identifying and adopting evidence-based training curriculum PD Plan Established to build local training capacity and sustain PBIS practices (e.g., internal training capacity). Ongoing PD Training opportunities exist on PBIS framework, practices, and systems for all implementers. Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. PBIS implementation and training MUST be a priority for both the DLT and the SBLT. If it is a priority, the team will develop a specific PD plan to support trainings and coaching to build capacity at the district and school levels. The ongoing PD must encompass all aspects of PBIS (multi-tiered supports across all implementers and stakeholders).
Professional Development Opportunities Trainings Discussion Tier 1 (Initial and Booster) Tier 1 New Team Member Administrator or Team Leader Tier 2 Applying Problem-solving to the Classroom Classroom PBIS Coaching 101 Problem Solving Facilitation Equity and Disproportionate Discipline Mental Health – Trauma Informed Care What are the training needs at your school based on your data? What are the specific training and/or professional development needs of your PBIS team? These are just some examples of the PD opportunities offered through the FLPBIS project. Review these trainings with the coaches. Be prepared to describe in greater detail what each offers, length of training etc. If you are not sure, please talk to your Project Contact for more information prior to using this module. NOTE: Questions are animated and appear upon ‘click’ Discuss the questions outlined and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm what PD opportunities that are needed/desired and share with the DLT. Be sure to record coaches responses.
School-based Data System Evaluation Ongoing review of data occurs for continuous improvement School-based Data System Enables continuous performance feedback Effective, efficient data collection tools Supports effective action planning Evaluation Process Exists across all implementation levels (student, classroom school, district) PBIS process implementation fidelity & student outcomes Team action plan implementation Data Dissemination Behavioral outcome data disseminated quarterly Annual dissemination of fidelity and outcome data provided to staff and families Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Evaluation is one of the critical elements for effective SWPBIS implementation. It is a key implementation driver To successfully develop an education system that effectively supports behavior, evaluation and performance feedback must be considered when conducting implementation activities, enhancing outcomes, and increasing sustainability. The ongoing review of data must occur at the school and district levels for continuous improvement to occur. Within Evaluation, there are 3 critical components: 1) The existence of a school and/or district-wide data system; 2) an effective evaluation process, and 3) procedures for data dissemination to be shared with key stakeholders.
Evaluation School/District Data System Examples Discussion How useful is your school/district data system in providing data for problem-solving across a multi-tiered system of supports? (district, school, classroom, individual student) Are data easily graphed for efficient review and analysis? What barriers exist in using the current data system? What district supports might help eliminate those barriers? PBS Evaluation System (PBSE) - FLPBS - DC's Corner RtIB Statewide database Florida's Response to Intervention for Behavior District database Review the systems noted that are applicable to your district. All schools/districts should be utilizing PBSES. PBSES is hyperlinked so you can quickly go to the system and review the data. If your district uses Florida’s statewide data system, (RtIB) use the hyperlink to view the system and review data. If your district does not use RtIB, you may want to walk through the system features with the coaches. Whatever system your district uses, be sure to discuss the questions provided (or add other questions pertinent to your district). NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables. Brainstorm strategies to share with the DLT. Be sure to record responses.
Evaluation Process District Data Review Student Outcome Data Discussion ODR/ISS/OSS across years Core Report Equity Report Attendance In what areas are we doing well? In what areas are we struggling? What supports would be beneficial to address the barriers? DCs should pull the district-level reports for these data prior to the meeting. Several options are available for presenting the data. Insert additional slides with the graphs displayed for ease of group review Compile the graphs into one document to be provided as a handout during the meeting Compile the graphs and send the data summary reports to the coaches prior to the meeting so they have the opportunity to review the data. Discuss the data with the coaches NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Evaluation Process District Data Review Implementation Fidelity Discussion BoQ and PIC >70% on BoQ >80% on BoQ for Model School > 41 total on PIC Items 1-27 What barriers hinder the implementation of PBIS with fidelity on your campus? What district supports might help reduce those barriers? What district/school-based supports have been most beneficial in supporting PBIS implementation fidelity? What does your school need to do to become a PBIS Model School? Depending upon the time of year your district engages in the YIP process, review the data sets noted above (BoQ and/or PIC – maybe review both) DCs should pull the district-level reports for these data prior to the meeting. Several options are available for presenting the data. Insert additional slides with the graphs displayed for ease of group review Compile the graphs into one document to be provided as a handout during the meeting Compile the graphs and send the data summary reports to the coaches prior to the meeting so they have the opportunity to review the data. Discuss the data with the coaches NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses. Share success stories!
Evaluation Process District Data Review Implementation Fidelity Discussion Does your school have a team to evaluate students in need of Tier 2 supports? What are the barriers to implementing Tiers 2 and 3 with fidelity? What district supports might reduce these barriers? What district supports have been most helpful with implementing Tiers 2 and 3 effectively? Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tier 2 Team Interventions Evaluation Tier 3 Support Plans DCs should pull the district-level reports for these data prior to the meeting. Several options are available for presenting the data. Insert additional slides with the graphs displayed for ease of group review Compile the graphs into one document to be provided as a handout during the meeting Compile the graphs and send the data summary reports to the coaches prior to the meeting so they have the opportunity to review the data. Discuss the data with the coaches NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Evaluation Data Dissemination Continuous Improvement Discussion How often are behavior outcome data disseminated at your school? Who is responsible for disseminating the data? Who receives the data? What is the process for disseminating fidelity and outcome data to staff, families, community members? What barriers hinder the dissemination of data? What district supports might help eliminate those barriers? Behavior outcome data is disseminated at least quarterly Annual dissemination of fidelity and outcome data are provided to staff, families, district, and community members DCs should discuss with the coaches the importance of data dissemination to ALL stakeholder on a regular basis. NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Funding for PBIS Implementation and Sustainability Funding established to develop infrastructure to support PBIS implementation for long-term sustainability >3 years of predictable funding is available to support operating structures and capacity-building activities. Funding and resources across related initiatives are aligned and integrated Funds are committed to developing and sustaining high levels of local implementation capacity A plan has been developed to achieve long-term institutional funding. Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Emphasize that DLT and SBLT commitment to PBIS implementation MUST include a commitment to allocate the necessary resources (dollars, staffing, scheduling, etc.) for building capacity and sustainability.
Funding Sources Examples Discussion District-Level Title I or II, IDEA FDLRS, SEDNET Community Partners, School Board Resources School-Based PTO/PTA SIP Local fundraising events Community donations Grants What funding sources have been utilized on your campus? How have the funds been used to support PBIS implementation? What district supports would be helpful to fund PBIS? Why? Review the examples provided and/or add other funding sources that are available/accessed in your district. NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Visibility and Dissemination A plan is developed and executed to expand the visibility of PBIS implementation and dissemination efforts. Stakeholders School board, families, community members, politicians Informed about activities and accomplishments Activities & Events Publicly posted Define and shape PBIS implementation goals Policies, Technical Briefs, & Procedures Developed Updated Disseminated annually Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Stress that visibility is important at both the district and school levels and plans to enhance visibility need to be developed and implemented, which include these 3 elements.
Visibility and Dissemination Examples Discussion What strategies have been implemented on your campus to increase PBIS visibility? What additional strategies would your school like to implement to increase visibility of PBIS efforts? What are some strategies for increasing PBIS visibility across the district? District Visibility Model School Awards ‘PBIS Annual Progress Summary’ provided to the School Board School board member invitations to events/activities across the district School-Based Visibility PTA involvement in PBIS Parent PBIS workshops School newspapers, newsletters, website Robo calls/Facebook/Twitter (Social Media) PBIS on school marques Model School awards posted Review the examples provided and/or add other avenues available in your district to enhance PBIS visibility across the district. NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables and brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Political Support Leadership supports the increase of pro-social student behavior and enhancing school climate. Superintendent provides public support Leadership identifies student social behavior and school climate in the top 5 goals/priorities Implementation team provides progress report on the activities and outcomes related to student behavior goals and PBIS implementation fidelity. Leadership actively participates in implementation (e.g., attends annual events, visits implementation sites, acknowledges progress, etc.). Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Discuss with the coaches the importance of having district and school-level support outlined above. The superintendent and school administrators MUST be on board and demonstrate their support of PBIS implementation by publicly talking about and actively participating in PBIS activities, events, publicity, etc.
Policies and System Alignment Written policies support integrating PBIS implementation with related initiatives to collaboratively impact student outcomes. Policies and System Alignment PBIS policy statement exists Written procedural guidelines support PBIS implementation Implementation data and outcomes are reviewed semi-annually to refine policy and enhance fidelity and impact Schools engage in resource mapping of effectiveness, relevance, & implementation fidelity of existing behavior related initiatives/programs. Organizational plan exists that integrates PBIS with existing initiatives having similar outcomes, practices, goals, and systems Refer to ‘Critical Elements for Effectiveness in SWPBIS: Implementation Drivers’ handout. Review with the coaches the ways that district and school policies should be aligned with and support PBIS implementation to enhance effectiveness.
Political Support, Policies, & Systems Alignment District & School Examples Discussion Improvement Plans Discipline and behavior Attendance School climate Student Code of Conduct Student/Parent Handbook MTSS Guide/Manual Resource mapping of behavior related initiatives FTE and/or stipends for PBIS coaches and DC How is PBIS incorporated into the Code of Conduct? What policies support PBIS implementation on your campus? At the district? What policy changes would benefit PBIS implementation on your campus? Across the district? How has your school-based teams utilized resource mapping? How has the district? Review the examples provided and/or add other ways the district and/or schools have incorporated PBIS language into their policies and procedures to achieve systems alignment. NOTE: The questions are animated and will appear with a ‘click’. Discuss the questions above and/or add questions based on district/school specific variables effecting political support, policies and systems alignment. Brainstorm strategies to address barriers. Be sure to record responses.
Wrap-Up Discussion What is the most important thing your school needs to support PBIS fidelity of implementation? Additional questions or comments? Closing thoughts? Next meeting?
Contact Information and Resources FLPBS MTSS Project Phone: (813) 974-6440 Fax: (813) 974-6115 E-mail: Facebook: FLPBIS on Twitter: @flpbs OSEP TA Center on PBIS Association on PBS