Nanuet Guidance & Counseling Department “Grade 9 Course Selection Process”
Scheduling Overview THE PROGRAM OF STUDIES IS NOW ONLINE! Course descriptions should be reviewed prior to final selection. You will meet with your school counselor individually, so be prepared to discuss your course selections and have backup electives. Teacher recommendations are made for each core course. We strongly encourage you to carefully consider the recommendation. A ‘waiver form’ should be utilized with caution. We do not recommend that you complete a waiver form just to give a high level class a try. If you enroll in an honors course and need to drop a level, it will likely affect the rest of your schedule. Your course selection should be challenging, realistic and goal-based. We ask that you consider post secondary options and share them with your school counselor.
REGENTS DIPLOMA REQUIRED CREDITS: Twenty-two credits minimum Required Subjects: English 4.0 credits Social Studies 4.0 credits Mathematics 3.0 credits Science 3.0 credits Health 0.5 credit The Arts (Art or Music) 1.0 credit Languages other than English 1.0 credit* Physical Education 2.0 credits Total Credits 22 credits REQUIRED REGENTS EXAMINATIONS: The passing grade on a Regents Exam for a Regents Diploma is 65. English Integrated Algebra Global History and Geography United States History and Government Science (Choice of Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry, or Physics)
ADVANCED REGENTS DIPLOMA REQUIRED CREDITS: Twenty-two credits minimum Required Subjects: English 4.0 credits Social Studies 4.0 credits Mathematics 3.0 credits Science 3.0 credits Health 0.5 credit The Arts (Art or Music) 1.0 credit Languages other than English * Physical Education 2.0 credits Total Credits 22 credits To earn the advanced designation, the student must complete one of the following: LOTE (3 credits) OR CTEC (5 credits plus one credit in LOTE) OR The Arts which includes Art or Music (5 credits plus one credit in a LOTE) REGENTS EXAMINATIONS for the Advanced Regents Diploma: English Integrated Algebra, Geometry AND Algebra 2 and Trigonometry Global History and Geography United States History and Government Science – 2 exams (Living Environment required) Language (Depending upon sequence- Checkpoint B Exam is replacing the Regents)
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Freshman Year Grade 9 English 9 H English 9 HONORS SEQUENCE REGENTS/STANDARD SEQUENCE Freshman Year Grade 9 English 9 H English 9 Sophomore Year Grade 10 English 10 H English 10 Junior Year Grade 11 AP English Language and Composition Or English 11 H English 11 Senior Year Grade 12 AP English Literature and Composition English 12 AND Public Speaking or Journalism or English Senior Seminar or Studies in Short Fiction Elective(s) Grade 11/12 Studies in Film Writing Workshop
SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT HONORS SEQUENCE REGENTS SEQUENCE Freshman Year Grade 9 Global History & Geography Honors 9 Global History & Geography Standard Value Sophomore Year Grade 10 AP European History AP Exam Regents Exam 10 Global History Junior Year Grade 11 AP United States History 11 United States History and Government Senior Year Grade 12 Macroeconomics (College Economics) (Chairperson Approval) One Semester Project Advance-Public Affairs (College Public Policy) Economics Participation in Government Fifth Year Elective Program In addition to the above mandated Social Studies courses, all Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to participate in the fifth year elective program. 1. Criminal Justice (College level Available) 1 Semester 2. Psychology (College level Available) 3. Sociology 4. Principles of Law (College level Available)
Honors/Accelerated Track MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Honors/Accelerated Track Regents Track Standard Track Freshman Year Grade 9 Geometry Algebra 1 Algebra IA Sophomore Year Grade 10 Algebra II and Trigonometry Algebra IB Junior Year Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Algebra II and Trigonometry or Topics in Advanced Algebra and Geometry OR Topics in Advanced Algebra and Geometry Senior Year Grade 12 AP Calculus Calculus Math 12 Algebra II & Trigonometry
Honors/Regents Accelerated Track Regents/Standard Track SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Honors/Regents Accelerated Track Regents/Standard Track Freshman Year Grade 9 Living Environment H OR Living Environment Earth Science Sophomore Year Grade 10 Chemistry H Chemistry Applied Chemistry Junior Year Grade 11 Physics 101 Physics 101H & 102H Conceptual Physics Environmental Science Senior Year Grade 12 AP Environmental Science AP Biology
Honors/Accelerated Track FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Honors/Accelerated Track Regents Track Freshman Year Grade 9 Spanish 2 OR French 2 Spanish 1 Sophomore Year Grade 10 Spanish 3 French 3 Junior Year Grade 11 Spanish 4 French 4 Senior Year Grade 12 Spanish 5 French 5
ART & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT STUDIO ART: required for the courses listed below TECHNOLOGY: DESIGN & DRAWING FOR PRODUCTION: required for the courses listed below Drawing 1 Painting 1 Adv Drawing & Painting Computer Aided Drawing Robotics Robotics 2 Architectural Drawing Principles of Engineering ART / TECHNOLOGY: STUDIO ART or DDP required for the courses listed below Photo 1 Photo 2 Media Production Technology Communication Systems Ceramics Introduction to Computer Science (NEW for 2016-17)
MUSIC DEPARTMENT CONCERT BAND Grades 9-10-11-12 MIXED CHORUS Grades 9-10-11-12 ORCHESTRA Grades 9-10-11-12 MUSIC THEORY I Grades 10-11-12
Business Course Required for the Class of 2019 Career and Financial Management: This course teaches the skills and knowledge that all students need for career & college readiness. It provides students with the opportunity to learn about the features of our economy, explore a variety of careers, learn the skills and competencies needed to succeed in the workplace and develop financial literacy skills.
Health and Physical Education Grade 10 students need to take: Health Grade 10 students have 2 Physical Education options: PE Team PE Lifetime Fitness & Activities
Next Steps: go to the Nanuet High School Guidance Department. Please review course descriptions available online and discuss options with your teachers and parent/guardian. Please select alternative electives in the event there is a conflict with other courses. Meet with your counselor later this week to discuss options and recommendations. Adhere to the deadlines, if you need to submit additional paperwork. Carefully consider your goals in the decision. Continue to work toward your goals!