Titles in Arial Bold 36 pt font Or you may wish to centre your title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title (Sommet Bold, 60 pt font or, if not available, Arial, 60 pt font) [Student Name in Arial, 40 pt font], [School Name in Arial, 40 pt font] Titles in Arial Bold 36 pt font Inclusion of graphics Main text in Arial 32 point. Your poster will be A0 size. It is good to include pictures and/ or graphs (e.g. from Excel) in your poster to help minimise the amount of text – people should be able to read your poster in less than five minutes. Information should flow from left to right and from top to bottom of the poster. You can choose whichever style of text box suits you best (without borders, with square borders, borders with rounded corners, coloured or not) – delete text box styles you don’t want to use. Text boxes can be single, double, or triple column. You can arrange the text boxes as best suits the information you wish to share. It is useful to line up your text using the “Gridlines” function under the “View” tab in your PowerPoint menus. [Images should be large enough to view at a distance, have high enough resolution for printing at full size, and of course be relevant to your research. It is important to make sure you can use the image without breaching any copyright.] Titles in Arial Bold 36 pt font Main text in Arial 32 point. Your poster will be A0 size. Information should flow from left to right and from top to bottom of the poster. You can choose whichever style of text box suits you best (without borders, with square borders, borders with rounded corners, coloured or not) – delete text box styles you don’t want to use. You can arrange the text boxes as best suits the information you wish to share. Text boxes can be single, double, or triple column. It is useful to line up your text using the “Gridlines” function under the “View” tab in your PowerPoint menus. You may choose to have your title left-justified Main text in Arial 32 point. Your poster will be A0 size. Information should flow from left to right and from top to bottom of the poster. You can choose whichever style of text box suits you best (without borders, with square borders, borders with rounded corners, coloured or not) – delete any you don’t want to use. You can arrange the text boxes as best suits the information you wish to share. Text boxes can be single, double, or triple column. It is useful to line up your text using the “Gridlines” function under the “View” tab in your PowerPoint menus. Or you may wish to centre your title Main text in Arial 32 point. Your poster will be A0 size. Information should flow from left to right and from top to bottom of the poster. You can choose whichever style of text box suits you best (without borders, with square borders, borders with rounded corners, coloured or not) – delete text box styles you don’t want to use. You can arrange the text boxes as best suits the information you wish to share. Text boxes can be single, double, or triple column. It is useful to line up your text using the “Gridlines” function under the “View” tab in your PowerPoint menus. Titles in Arial Bold 36 pt font Main text in Arial 32 point. Your poster will be A0 size. You can also use tables: Remember that people should be able to read your poster in less than five minutes. Information should flow from left to right and from top to bottom of the poster. You can arrange the text boxes as best suits the information you wish to share. You can choose whichever style of text box suits you best. Text boxes can be single, double, or triple column. It is good to include plenty of pictures and/ or graphs in your poster. It is useful to line up your text using the “Gridlines” function under the “View” tab in your PowerPoint menus. Column Row Data References If you reference other work in your poster, you can put the references at the end in smaller text but do not to make your text any smaller than 24 pt font. As with the main text, you should use Arial.