Mobile Applications (Android Programming) Semester II 2016 - 2017 Dr. Saman Mirza Abdullah
Course Information Have 14 classes. 12 classes, each 2 hours Theoretical and 2 hours practical. One week will be midterm exam. One class for course review Exams and assessments (collecting marks): Attendance = 5% Quizzes = 5% Assignments = 10% Lab activities = 10% One mid term exam = 30% One final Exam = 40% Text book Annuzzi, J., L. Darcey, and S. Conder, Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials. 2014: Addison Wesley Professional. Trish Cornez, Richard Cornez, 2015 , Android programming concept: 2015,. Mobile Application - Ishik
Course Aim The aim of the course is to introduce CE students to: The fundamental concepts of Mobile Application. Android Programming, Parts of the Android based applications, Learning Android Studio software. (Downloading and installing) Building Android based application from scratch until uploading to Google Play Store. Mobile Application - Ishik
Class Objectives Understanding the installation and pre-installation of Android Studio? Java jdk problems, and system variable. Creating first HellowProject. Mobile Application - Ishik
Installing Android Studio To install Android Studio, the following are necessary: Downloading and installing Java jdk (updated version), Creating or editing the variable system content, and Downloading and installing Android Studio. Mobile Application - Ishik
Java jdk You need to download the jdk java version 1.6 or higher. Be carful about the version of OS you have. Windows (32 or 64 bit) Mac You can download the updated version from below link Mobile Application - Ishik
Downloading jdk on Windows Mobile Application - Ishik
Downloading jdk on Windows Mobile Application - Ishik
Downloading jdk on Windows Mobile Application - Ishik
System Variable Problem Android studio my not recognize the jdk java or the path to it. To solve this issue, you need to follow the below steps: Mobile Application - Ishik
Solving system variable problem Open the window of basic information about your computer Mobile Application - Ishik
Solving system variable problem Mobile Application - Ishik
Installing Android Studio Go to the following link to find the free (open source) Android Studio Mobile Application - Ishik
Creating Project Your first project will be “Hellow Project” The welcome dialog box (window) for the Android Studio will be open Mobile Application - Ishik
New Project Configuration of New Project Mobile Application - Ishik
Setting the sdk version Sdk verison means the version of the mobile itself. It has Minimum (minsdkverion) Maximum (maxsdkverion) Based on the version of the Android Studio, (API 8) as a default will be selected. Released on 2005, on Android 2.2 (Froyo) Mobile Application - Ishik
Setting the Layout of the project A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity Can be done in two ways: Declare UI elements in XML. Instantiate layout element at runtime. Mobile Application - Ishik
Chosen Android device manager Mobile Application - Ishik
Chosen Android device manager Mobile Application - Ishik
Run the Emulator Mobile Application - Ishik
Class End Mobile Application - Ishik