School Council Worship Recycling School Council Worship Science Week How can we help at Medlar with Wesham to look after God’s Earth?
How did God create our Earth? Day one brought heaven earth and light. It must have been so very bright! Day two God made the clear blue sky. A place for many birds to fly. Day three brought land apart from seas. With all the plants grass and trees. Day four shone forth moon, stars and sun. The work of God was not yet done.
How did God create our Earth? Day five we see the fish and birds. God did all of this with just His words. Day six God formed all beasts and man To finish His creation plan. Day seven was especially blessed, A day for worship and for rest.
Let us Pray together: Can we say a prayer to God to thank him for our precious planet? Dear God, Thank you for the planet you made for us, Help us to achieve our aim of recycling in our school, Help us to make better choices and not waste the precious resources on our Earth. Amen
Why is our Earth so precious? Let’s watch this video clip to find out ….
What is recycling?
What is recycling? Recycling means taking materials from products you have finished using and making brand new products with them.
What are the 3R’s of recycling?
What are the 3R’s of recycling? Always remember the 3 R‘s Reduce Always think about what you are throwing away! Would someone else like what you are throwing away? Reuse Reusing things can delay or avoid something being thrown away You can reuse paper that has been used on one side as a notepad or for drawings. Some items you may be able to take into school to use for arts and crafts. Recycle If you cannot reduce or reuse your waste put it in your recycling bin box or take it to a recycling bank near where you live.
Why is it important to reduce, reuse and recycle?
We are running out of space to put our rubbish We are running out of space to put our rubbish. The landfill sites are filling up!
How do we already, reduce, reuse or recycle in our school How do we already, reduce, reuse or recycle in our school? The school Council went around our classrooms to do a recycling audit.
Do we recycle paper? 1) We recycle paper in most of our classrooms. We have special boxes to put the paper in. Year 2, Year 6, Reception and Year 1 here are some new boxes for you to use. Year 4 Year 5 Reception Year 3
Do we recycle paper? We went on a hunt around school and found the big bin at the front where Mr Wilkinson puts all our paper when he empties our recycling boxes.
Do we re-use paper if we can? Yes we do! We found that all classes have a scrap paper drawer to use paper again. Well done!
What else do we recycle? 3) We are recycling batteries and the bag is in the computing suite. This is collected every few months and the old batteries are taken away.
What else could we recycle? School Council Challenge: Can we recycle fruit and vegetable peelings, skins and cores to make compost – just like in the video we watched?
Composting fruit and vegetable skins and peelings…. We are going to have 3 special bins in our school. To collect these items for composting. 1) At the Pavilion. 2) In the main yard playground. 3) In the dining hall.
Composting fruit and vegetable skins and peelings…. Each day School Council Reps will take these bins to the big compost bin at the field with Mrs Hughes Hutchins. The compost takes a long time to make – but when it is ready it will be used in our planters to help all our plants grow. This is much better than the waste going to land fill sites.
What have you learnt about recycling today?
Recycling Song Recycling Song Can you all join in and sing along?
Thank you for listening to our School Council Recycling Worship Thank you for listening to our School Council Recycling Worship. Remember to …..