GET CREATIVE WITH CLAY ART! Examples: Ang Ku Kueh Fridge Magnet with exclusive design Playing with creative clay has several huge, tangible benefits: Therapeutic & calming effect Promotes dexterity – rolling with alms and fingers, pressing, pounding, kneading all strengthen muscles and tendons. Explore the beautiful world of colours and colour-mixing Promotes Abstract thinking Promotes holistic left and right brain development Limited Vacancies GET CREATIVE WITH CLAY ART! 19 DECEMBER 2016 (MONDAY) 10.00AM – 12.30PM $20 (PSS Member); $30 (PSS Non-Member) * Fee include materials * Participant may bring home the made items 1 Day Workshop Terms & Conditions: Class commencement subject to 6 participants being met. Priority for registration is given to PwP. Caregiver attending with the member is required to pay for the programme, strictly subject to class vacancy. 4. Payments made are non-transferable .