April 23, 2013 Warm – up Standard: SFS3 – Students will analyze the use of toxicology, serology, and DNA technology in forensic investigation b. Compare.


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Presentation transcript:

April 23, 2013 Warm – up Standard: SFS3 – Students will analyze the use of toxicology, serology, and DNA technology in forensic investigation b. Compare the effects of alcohol on blood alcohol levels with regard to gender, and according to the law. c. Determine how drug and alcohol evidence are collected and preserved EQ: What are the effects of alcohol on the body? Come in and take out your composition notebook.

BAC depressant Alcohol intoxication fermentation DUI Word Splash Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph using the words above. If you know what they mean use them correctly if not, be creative. Share with the person to your left. BAC depressant Alcohol This should take about 15-20 minutes. intoxication fermentation DUI


75% of High School Students report having tried alcohol at least once. 28% reported having an alcoholic beverage in the last month Students will be given fill-in notes so that we can move through the material more quickly. We can tag team the lecture. Please fill in things I may not have covered. This should take 30-45 minutes. Male students more likely than female students to report episodic heavy drinking

What is Alcohol? Depressant Contains intoxicating substance called ethyl alcohol or ethanol Slows down the functions of the brain and other parts of the nervous system

What is Alcohol? Produced by a fermentation process Proof is the amount of alcohol in the substance (ex. 100 proof bottle of vodka is 50% alcohol) 12 oz. Beer = 4 oz. Wine = 1 oz. liquor Fermentation can result in things besides alcohol – as pictured (cheese, etc…) Results of fermentation

Effects of Alcohol Heart/Blood Vessels Short term Perspiration increases and skin becomes flushed Long Term High blood pressure and damage to the heart muscle; blood vessels harden and become less flexible

More Effects Brain/Nervous System Short Term Long Term Speech is slurred and difficulty walking Long Term Brain cells are destroyed and unable to be replaced; damage to nerves in body resulting in numbness in hands and feet

…The Rest of Alcohol’s Effects Liver Short Term Liver changes alcohol into water and carbon dioxide Long Term Liver is damaged possibly resulting in cirrhosis (scarring and destruction of the liver)

Healthy Liver Alcoholic Liver

…The Rest of Alcohol’s Effects Stomach/Pancreas Short Term Stomach acids increase, which often results in nausea and vomiting Long Term Irritation occurs in the stomach lining, causing open sores called ulcers; pancreas becomes inflamed

Blood Alcohol Concentration Amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream legal limit is .08% for people 21 years old and older legal limit is zero for people under 21

Factors affecting the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood Gender Metabolism Amount of Alcohol (not # of drinks) How much they weigh How much time elapses after or between drinks

Drinking and Driving Drinking alcohol impairs vision, reaction time, and coordination. DWI and DUI –leading cause of death among teens Signs of intoxication can begin to appear as low as 0.02 There is no acceptable BAC level for anyone under 21

SAFEST AMOUNT OF DRINKS = 0!!! This is at any age!!!!

Testing for intoxication Breath testers – include infrared light absorptions devices and detect chemical reactions involving alcohol that produce electricity Breath test accuracy depends on capturing deep lung (alveolar) breath of subject

Testing for intoxication Field sobriety tests – used by police to estimate level of intoxication and determine if further testing justified Blood tests – Gas chromatography separates alcohol from the blood; levels are compared with standard reference samples

Consequences of teen DUI Harm to the driver and others Severely restricted driving privileges Alcohol related injuries, property damage, and death Living with remorse

Alcohol Poisoning Dangerous to just “sleep it off” Signs Mental confusion, stupor, coma, inability to be excited, vomiting, and seizures Slow Respiration *Hypothermia *Dehydration *Irregular heartbeat CALL 911 immediately if suspicious of poisoning

What are some things that people do to ‘sober up’?

What reduces the body’s blood alcohol level? Time

April 24, 2013 EQ: What is the affect of alcohol on the body? Put a number six on the paper that was placed on your desk. Look at the left side of the paper. Trace the pathway of alcohol in the human body Complete the “What is a Drink?” handout on the right side of the paper.

Drugs/alcohol assignment Since prom is this weekend, you will create one of the following as a message to your friends attending: Public Service Announcement (poster) A script for a commercial (be prepared to act it out if time) Pamphlet (trifold) The message should include descriptions of: the effects of at least 4 drugs at least 4 effects of alcohol on the body 4 ways that crime scene investigators detect drugs and alcohol usage Students will be asked to choose one of the above. They may work in groups/pairs. We should have a few minutes to begin working on it in class today and will finish it on Wednesday. Friday will be a review day and the Unit test will be given next Tuesday during the long block. Rubric is on next slide. Should have about 20-30 minutes to get into groups and start working on the project. We can circulate around the room to get them started. I thought we could group them first – those that want to do PSA, commercial, pamphlet. They can work in groups of 2-4 depending on what they choose.

Rubric Each effect/forensic test listed and described is 7 points (84 points total) Effects/tests that are listed but described incorrectly or not at all earn 3 points each. Presentation/neatness is the other 16 points Sections on drugs, alcohol, and forensic tests are labeled clearly; 4 points each (12 points total) Project is legible and neat; 4 points

Ticket out the door On the sticky note provided answer the EQ or write one question you still have about the effects of alcohol on the body. Put it in the Parking lot before you leave. Last 5-7 minutes of class.