Strengthening the integration of gender in national and regional statistical strategies Proposed PARIS21 & UN Women collaboration
Data availability for gender-related indicators, global and regional coverage
MISSING FROM THE PICTURE Human Rights Education Violence Against Women Economic Participation Health Leadership SDGs have globalized data poverty; picture is as dark in developed countries 11 out of 14 SDG5 indicators are Tier II or Tier III (picture as dark in developed countries) 24 percent of data necessary for global monitoring of 53 gender related indicators are available
What actions are required to improve the production and use of gender statistics? Need to address three inter-related challenges: Weak policy space and legal and financial environment to produce gender statistics at national level Technical challenges within National Statistical Systems that limit the sustainable production of gender statistics Lack of access to data and limited capacity on the part of policymakers and other users to analyse data to inform policies
UN Women’s Flagship Programme Initiative: Making Every Woman and Girl Count (MEWGC) Enabling environment: Supportive and well-coordinated policy environment in place to ensure gender-responsive localization and effective monitoring of the SDGs Data Production: Quality, comparable and regular gender statistics are produced to address national data gaps and meet policy and reporting commitments Data accessibility and use: Gender statistics are accessible to all users and can be analysed to inform research, advocacy, policies and programmes, and promote accountability
Implementation: an integrated approach Implementation of the Gender Statistics FPI at the national, regional and global levels
Implementation: Proposed collaboration with PARIS21 Geographical level of activity National (pathfinder countries) Regional (technical project support) Global (monitoring of SDGs) MEWGC project outcomes 1. Support to improve the policy environment Develop and implement NSDS Gender Module based on incorporation of gender data gap analysis (ADAPT) Develop and implement RSDS Gender Module Develop NSDS/ RSDS Gender Guidelines (A5) Reporting of financial resources to gender statistics 2. Support for data production NSS/NSDS assessment and statistical innovations (PISTA) Promotion of statistical innovations and partnerships Dissemination of best practices 3. Promotion of data availability and use Gender data visualization training; user-producer dialogues Gender data visualization training Data visualization toolkit (A4) Reporting on use of gender data
Implementation: Planned activities (2017-2020) (A1) Support co-ordination and planning for gender statistics through the development of an NSDS/RSDS Gender Module as part of the NSDS/RSDS (ADAPT) (A2) Support data production for SDGs by identifying bottlenecks in NSS assessments and proposing solutions in the form of technical and institutional innovations (PISTA) (A3) Dissemination of gender statistics through gender data visualisation trainings, the initialisation of user-producer partnerships through dialogues and gender data outreach workshops (A4) Reporting the use of gender data (and its value) through the analysis of citizen’s use in national newspaper archives and policy makers’ use in PRSPs/NDPs. (A5) Reporting of financial resources to gender statistics through a special issue of the 2017 Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS) and annual updates for the PRESS rounds 2018 and beyond.
Budget 2017-2020 Activity 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total A1 $ 505,500 $ 505,500 $ 195,000 $ - $ 700,500 A2 62,000 30,000 - 92,000 A3 90,000 A4 2,000 1,000 5,000 A5 Staffing 383,250 1,533,000 Administration 60,149 43,870 24,025 152,069 1,014,899 740,220 405,375 2,565,869
Implementation: Fit and modalities Activities contribute to the implementation of MEWGC and to PARIS21’s activities on ‘Coordination and Monitoring’, and ’Knowledge sharing and Innovation Incubator’ Activities will be financed out of the budget for MEWGC for 2017-18 and subject to funding afterwards PARIS21 secretariat staff and network of experts will implement these activities, in collaboration with UN Women technical staff, and ensure alignment between MEWGC activities at global and regional PARIS21 to provide UN Women with quarterly updates and the annual progress reports of the approved PWB, that PARIS21 Secretariat submits to its Board Members Project timeline will be adjusted in accordance with the starting date of the project as well as other identified potential synergies of UN Women regional offices and other MEWGC partners.
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