CCSDS physical layer security option 10/23/2016 CHARLES SHEEHE
Needs of Physical Layer Security Jamming Resistance Traffic Privacy Low Probability of Intercept
Physical Layer Security RF, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (CCSDS 415.0-G-1, CCSDS 415.1-B-1) RF, Code Division Multiple Access (CCSDS 415.0-G-1, CCSDS 415.1-B-1) RF, Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum RF, Synchronized Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum ( above plus, through put as CDMA) RF, Adaptive Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum (above plus, Collision Detection and Collision Avoidance) Optical communication (low probability of interception)
Advantage of frequency hop signals The advantage of using frequency hop signals instead of conventional narrowband signals or other wideband signals include the following: 1.Processing gain. 2.Jamming resistance. 3.Traffic privacy. 4.Low probability of intercept 5.Multiple access capability 6.Short synchronization time. 7.Mulipath rejection. 8.Near-far performance. FHSS systems are the cheapest, and easiest to implement. Their RF circuits can use efficient non-linear, class C amplification. This is especially useful in portable operations where these circuits tend to draw less current.
Non-Maximally Decimated Filter Banks Enable Adaptive Frequency Hopping for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles aElettra Venosa, aBert Vermeire, aCameron Alakija, afred harris, aDavid Strobel, aSpace Micro, San Diego, CA bCharles J. Sheehe, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH cMarwan Krunz, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,,,,, NASA Form 1676 for conference paper and presentation TN-35059
Synchronized Fast Frequency Hopping Dynamic spread spectrum frequency hopping (SS-FH) transmitter for space multiple access systems based on multirate signal processing techniques. Dynamic FH systems are a very good candidate for systems needing secure multiple access because is flexible and agile multichannel communications. In Space Micro’s system, the pseudo-random noise (PN) sequence can be changed on the fly, allowing secure and efficient communications. Multirate signal processing allows the optimization the signal sample rate at different points of the digital communication chain. With a wideband digital spectrum sniffer spectrum analyzer working on a windowed FFT signal. The outputs of the spectrum sniffer in which a proactive sensing algorithm is implemented. The proactive sensing algorithm changes the PN sequence according to channel/interference conditions. Adapting its internal states to the environmental conditions and by doing that is quite robust against adverse channel conditions. Non-Maximally Decimated Filter Banks Enable Adaptive Frequency Hopping for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (presentation, ICNS 2016) and (conference paper, ICNS 2016)
MAC layer control
Japan CRYPTREC Activities on Lightweight Cryptography: By Shiho Moriai, NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2016
Numerical Study on Secrecy Capacity and Code Length Dependence of the Performance in Optical Wiretap Channels by H. Endo Quantum ITC Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Koganei 184-08795, Japan
Public Presentations Non-Maximally Decimated Filter Banks Enable Adaptive Frequency Hopping for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (presentation, ICNS 2016) and (conference paper, ICNS 2016) CCSDS Security WG - I. Aguilar, D. Fischer; CCSDS Fall 2012 Meeting, Cleveland, USA 15/10/2012
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