Whole Community Approach Emergency & Disaster Preparedness How can each of us provide services and support in our local Montana communities? Presented by Jude Monson, Summit Independent Living Center, Inc.
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Case Manager’s and other provider’s role Thank you for the emergency and disaster plans you have already in place!
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness – Who? Everyone who provides services and supports has a role! Regional Program Officers Case Managers Life Skills Trainers Personal Care Assistants Independent Living Specialists Peer Advocates Others: in family, friendship, neighborhood or home
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness – Personal Plan of Support Group Home, Vocational or Day Programs Residential Habilitation Vocational – supportive living Day services – at a site Adult Companion Adult Foster Support Assisted Living Legal guardianship Personal Representative
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness – Elders/Seniors Support in home In home – family or unrelated – paid or unpaid Caregiver for a few hours as needed Live in caregiver Senior Companion Meals on Wheels Assisted Living or Nursing Home, Hospital and Schools Internal policy and procedure
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness – Variety Plans: They are all important and who knows about them! Medical and Health Directive Durable power of attorney for health care & HIPAA release Durable power of attorney for finances Revocable living trust Legal will Advance Directives Personal Care Plan Wellness and Recovery Action Plan
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness – In Home Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for people who want to remain in their home Contacts: List and where is it kept? Home safety: Practice every 6 months Shelter in place: For how long – 72 hours – Food and Water supply Other shelter options that are accessible:
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Specific Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Written Plan Personal Support Plan Smart 911 – Missoula and Butte/Silverbow Vial of Life – It’s really a baggie with your basic information Current Plan: Are there some additions you could make from list? Concerns: Personal privacy and safety of Legal Documents Medical Information
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Questions only answered through personal choice decision making If I can’t speak for myself who do I trust to speak for me? Who do I want and trust to now my medical and prescription needs? Do I have all my ID information in one place? Do I have accessible shelter or am I planning for accessible shelter? Do I have accessible transportation or do I know someone who does? Do I have an extra battery or charge cord for my cell phone? Am I at risk of domestic violence?
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Choice, Control and Direction I have the right to develop a personal emergency plan so that I have more control over my life when the uncontrollable happens. Personal power and independence comes from assuming responsibility for our needs and owning the consequences of our actions. Who are the people who can tell their 2-4 minute story on YouTube about how using their plan made an emergency go smoother? How will I continue to educate the people I work with about updating a current personal emergency plan?
Whole Community Approach Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Importance & Confidence
Thank you for preparing for the Whole Community Approach Jude Monson Program Manager Summit ILC, Inc. 700 SW Higgins, Suite 101 Missoula, MT 59803 (406) 728-1630 www.summitilc.org jmonson@summitilc.org