Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Best of 2017 Source: vs-codeigniter-best-of-2017/ vs-codeigniter-best-of-2017/
Laravel or CodeIgniter The war between Laravel and CodeIgniter is going strong. Laravel: Mostly preferred by web developers from South Asia. CodeIgniter: Web developers from Europe and 1st world countries like Canada and US prefer Laravel. The main question now for businesses is whether to hire Laravel developers or CodeIgniter developers.hire Laravel developers
Features of CodeIgniter Model-View-Controller (MVC) system: With MVC Syestem finding the complex models are easy. Helps to build our own core libraries and allows to integrate scripts written by us with the database.
Form Validation With an effective form validation, the framework system can possible to write the codes in single lines and also generates error free codes.
Easy configuration and customization CodeIgniter allows you to configure the various aspects according to the web application. Also, CodeIgniter allows the easy editing of existing files.
And other features are:
Features of Laravel Artisan: “Artisan”, an inbuilt tool in laravel that serves most of the tedious programming tasks done by the programmers. Tasks include skeleton code and database structure With the interlaced option of Artisan, the programmers can use the command-line in order to generate and manage with their respective configurations This is the reason it is easier to find a Laravel development company than it is to find a company that specializes in CodeIgniter.Laravel development company
Authentication “Aunthentication”, the most important part of the web development that the developers must know and pay attention to it. Usually the developers have spent a significant amount of time to write this code. But in Laravel it has an inbuilt authentication feature which means that configuring models, views, controllers, and database migration is quite enough
Template Engine Amazing layouts can be build throughout the use of dynamic content seeding with the help of Larave;'s template engine. You can also use the multiple widgets available to incorporate both JS and CSS codes along with solid structures. Such a layout created are simple and have distinctive sections.
Laravel Features
Final thoughts Laravel is definitely winning this battle. Thus, if you want to build a business website that effectively takes care of your business needs, you should hire a company that offers Laravel development services.Laravel development services Source: best-of-2017/ best-of-2017/