Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) Alice Munyua | Co-Chair
Law Enforcement and Internet Governance Issues related to Cybercrime are being addressed in various settings, including: Regional police and law enforcement cooperation organizations: AFRIPOL ASEANPOL, EUROPOL, INTERPOL Intergovernmental Organizations: African Union Commission (AUC) African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection: Council of Europe Budapest Convention on Cybercrime Specialized Industry Forum, in particular: Messaging and Malware Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) Internet Technical and Policy Coordination Bodies: Regional Internet Registries (AfriNiC, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE-NCC) ICANN (GAC PSWG)
Role of the PSWG Established in Feb. 2015 as an Internal Working Group of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of ICANN Composed of representatives of law enforcement and consumer protection agents from 27 Countries and 7 International Organizations (all GAC Members or Observers) Focuses on aspects of ICANN’s Policies and procedures that implicate Safety of the Public, including: Preventing unlawful activity using domain name registrations Supporting public safety agencies’ fight against such activities Representing and Advancing the public safety agenda across ICANN’s structures and initiatives Assessing the effectiveness of public safety safeguards implemented by ICANN, Registries and Registrars
Current Agenda of the PSWG Abuse Mitigation, Cybercrime Law Enforcement Due Diligence Recommendations New gTLD Program Safeguards (incl. Security Threats) Child Protection, Illegal/Counterfeit Drugs Whois and Domain Registration Services Role of WHOIS in investigations (WHOIS Case studies) Domain Name and IP WHOIS Next Generation Registration Directory Services Consumer Protection Proxy/Privacy Services Accreditation Sensitive Strings as TLDs
Interested in joining the PSWG ? Reach out to your GAC Representative or join the GAC, and request a nomination Email Documentation: Website: ICANN Guide for Law Enforcement: