SILVER MIRROR FORMATION OXIDATION- REDUCTION (REDOX) REACTIONS 1) theory: OXIDATION- REDUCTION (REDOX) REACTIONS 2) experIMENT: fhfh Take 1.0 ml NaOH(s) and add 10ml H2O to prepare %10 NaOH(aq) Chemicals:Ammonia, 10% Sodium Hydroxide, 5% Silver Nitrate, Acetaldehyde, Acetone Take 0.5 g AgNO3(s) and add 10ml H2O to get 5% AgNO3(aq). Shake it to get homogeneous solution CH3CHO + 2 Ag(NH3)2OH → CH3COO(NH4) + 2 Ag(s) + 3 NH3 + H2O Figure: Schematic representation of oxidation-reduction reactions Add dilute NH3 dropwise with shaking until brown precipitate dissolves. Finally, add acetaldehyde and observe Ag mirror Redox reactions are a relatives of reactions which are defined as the transfer of electrons between species. Oxidation refers to the loss of electrons, whereas reduction refers to the gain of electrons. Ag+ (aq) + 1 e- → Ag (s) Ag(s) + 2NH3→ Ag(NH3)2+ + 1 e- Interestingly, you will form Ag mirror from glucose (sugar) as the structure of glicose is aldehyde. However, ketones like acetone do not give positive result with this experiment (no formation of Ag mirror).Aldehydes and ketone can be separated by this way. Take 2 ml of the 5% AgNO3 solution into the test tube by graduated pipette Add one drop of %10 NaOH(aq) and mix. The brown precipitate is observed EDA ÇAĞLI 1490424/ CHED
References Techniques and experiments for organic chemistry. (2006). Middle East Technical University. Aldehydes and Ketones (pp. 61-63). Ankara: METU Press National Resource for Computational Science Education. (n.d.). Redox reactions. Retrieved from Test for Aldehydes and Ketones. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 9, 2009, from Micron Technology Foundation. (2003). Deposition. Retrieved Dec 9, 2009, from