Course Selection 17/18 Freshman/Sophomore
WHS Graduation Requirements Credits - minimum of 24 - credits distribution Attendance Requirements 80 hrs. of Service Learning PGR
Courses to Take ____Class 2020 Class 2019______ English 10 1.0 English 11 1.0 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Early Modern H 0.5 Post R to WWII 0.5 & C War to P 0.5 Early US or 0.5 Ancient West or Middle Age or Modern World Math 1.0 Math 1.0 PE 10 0.5 Civics 0.5 Health 0.5 5.0 4.5 Sophomore are required to take 7.0 credits Juniors are required to take 6.5 credits YYC
Math Sequence Statistics - H Cal – A Cal – H B- B- A- Pro/Sta- A, Discrete Pre- Cal – A Pre – Cal - H T Rec A- Algebra II –S G12 (G11 if lev down) Algebra I- S Part II Algebra II - A Algebra II – H Coastal Nav. B- G11 Plane Geometry G9 Only Pro/Sta - S B- & Chair Alg I- A Alg I - S S A H Pre-Al A & Rec A- & Chair G10 Nov. 2010 YYC 1217 2014
AP Envi Sci H Anatomy & Phy H H Sci in Community S Marine Bio S Bio S B Marine Bio /Eco If A Chem & Phys Forencis S Environmental Science S C- Bio A Marine Bio / Org A Anatomy & Phy A A ECE Marine Science H AP Envi Sci H Chem F Presidents A R Anatomy & Phy H Algebra-I I S Physics F Presidents A ECE Bio H AP Chem H Chem H B Pre – Cal H Algebra-I I H AP Physics 2 H AP Physics 1 H YYC 1/4 2016
CCP – College Career Pathway Three Rivers College Course # 621 Early Childhood Education Course # 575 CAD/Drafting II Course # 579 Architectural Drafting Course approval pending at time of publication Course # 330 or 351 Algebra II Advanced or Honors Course # WNA052 or WNH052 Anatomy & Physiology Advanced or Honors YYC
AP & ECE Offerings English Language and Composition/Eng11 - AP,ECE English Literature/Eng12 - AP US History - AP European History - AP, ECE Psychology - AP Calculus - AP Biology - ECE Chemistry - ECE Physics - AP Environmental Science - ECE Spanish V - ECE French – AP Latin – ECE Marine Science - ECE ECE: Uconn credits are granted ONLY when complete courses with a grade of C or better. AP: Students are required to take AP exams in May; AP Policy varies by college. YYC
Teachers’ Recommendation STUDENT’S PREVIOUS RECORD Natural ability Aptitudes Special talents Inclinations Ambitions Disagree to Recommendation? YYC
Schedule Changes Consequences VARY depending on: Procedures: When? Drop, or Level Change Procedures: When? YYC
Grade Point Scales Honor Roll Class Rank What Are on the Report Card? What Are on the Transcript? YYC
General Suggestion Individual Postsecondary Ed. Goal College Two Years Four Years Trades Service Employment Exploration to identify one’s Interests Abilities Skills YYC