IMPACT HAITI FOR CHRIST VISION 2022 PREPARING LEADERS TO IMPACT HAITI FOR CHRIST “Develop Change Agents to Change the Course of Haiti” . 7/27/2011 1
WHY IS HAITI SO RICH & YET SO POOR? Getting to the Root Cause! HAITI FACTS 213 Years as a Nation Haiti Natural Resources: Oil, Vetiver, Bauxite, Copper, Gold, Marble and Hydropower Beautiful beaches Freedom of Religion Haiti celebrated this year 200 years of Protestantism 96% of Haitians confess to be Christians (52% Protestant + Catholic) Over half of the Haitian people practice some form of Syncretism 2
THE URGENT NEED FOR BALANCE IN HAITI! The four foundations for a balanced society A Balanced Society The Family Social AXIS The Church Spiritual AXIS The Government Political AXIS Business Economic AXIS 1 Tim 2:1-3 A balanced society Lives in peace In prosperity Rearing of children A moral responsibility * Removing morality = abuse Leading an Enterprise or a Nation - Moral responsibilities * Removing morality= corruption & violence A religious leader - A moral responsibility * Removing morality = Spiritual darkness
HAITI'S PROBLEMS Symptoms problems Root Cause Problems Sinful hearts Poverty Hunger Vast Unemployment due to lack employment opportunities Massive Illiteracy due to lack of educational opportunities Corruption Hopelessness Root Cause Problems Sinful hearts Detrimental cultural practices Lack of godly leadership Poor administration of national resources 4/4/12 4
HAITI'S GREATEST NEEDS Transformation: Revival at four levels! Spiritual (as Foundation) (3) Social Good Governance (4) Economic Biblical worldview that affects every area of life in Haiti Facilitated by godly Leadership Lasting reforms in Haiti must first begin internally in the hearts and with the renewing of the mind of the people, beginning with evangelical Haitians who constitute over 52% of the population. 5
So, what is the biblical prescription for Haiti? 7/27/2011 6
BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW (2 Chronicles 7:14) If my people, who are called by my name, (1) will humble themselves (2) and pray (3) and seek my face, (4) and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin (3) and will heal their land If we do 4 Exodus 18:21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain— and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. God will do 3 7
So, how are we applying the biblical prescription for the healing of Haiti? 7/27/2011 8
IMPACTING HAITI FOR CHRIST (2017-2022) A National Strategy with Focus on Grand’Anse Region! Our Focus Region 7/27/2011 9
REACHING HAITI FOR CHRIST SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES National Strategy Approach National Level activities Gospel proclamation 143 Cities Tour National Day of fasting and prayer 3/70 Leadership Multiplication Youth Education Sponsorship Children outreach Ministries Operation Christmas Child-Haiti Grand’Anse region Focus Community level activities Community Sponsorship Economic Empowerment Community leaders’ “Meeting of reflection Crisis Intervention Outreach Education Outreach Sponsor a school / a teacher Sponsor a University Student Sponsor a High Risk Youth and woman vocational training Church Capacity Building 10
Two Platforms for Impacting Haiti Good Governance Approach Power to control and direct Promote good stewardship Enforce righteous laws Instill the Spirit of Excellence Influence cultural changes Social Outreach Approach Non-government organization Meeting physical needs as foundation for influencing cultural changes CHANGE AGENT “YOU” or we empower Haitian Remnants –trustworthy and godly local leaders and organizations with like-minded worldview 7/27/2011 11
Expected spiritual impact IMPACTING HAITI FOR CHRIST Develop Change Agents to Change the Course of Haiti Expected spiritual impact Transformed leaders equipped to impact Haiti for Christ. Revival of the conscience through renewed mindset Intended results A transformed Haiti through promotion of good stewardship, good governance and the spirit of excellence. 7/27/2011 12
REACHING HAITI FOR CHRIST PLAN 3 Year Plan: Impact current leadership structure (2017-2019) 3x70 Leadership Multiplication Development Outreach (LMDO) Implement LMDO Teams in all 10 regions Promote good governance and the spirit of excellence Promote unity of purpose in local churches and Christian organizations Pray that God raises godly national leaders Activities Holistic Community Outreach Conduct need assessments and implement our plan Education, Health, Agriculture, Worldview Promote LMDO and build capacities of LMDO change agents Promote economic empowerment: small business incubation Emphasize community relations and Conflict resolution Promote good governance and accountability Develop a Crisis Intervention Readiness Outreach Team Implement a national discipleship and evangelism outreach tour The revival of the conscience – the Healing of Haiti (2 Chronicles 7:14) n 13
The 2017 National Leadership Development Plan The 3x70 NDCS Leadership Multiplication Strategy (NDCS) National 3/12 Department 36 Communes 420 Sections 29,400 FOCUS REGION Grand’Anse (GA) . PRIORITY REGIONS OUEST ARTIBONITE NORD SUD GRAND’ANSE Sud-Est Nippes 7/27/2011
REACHING HAITI FOR CHRIST PLAN 4-6 Year Plan: Impact Future Haitian Leaders (2018-2022) University youth Education sponsorship High risk youth education outreach (Gang, sex trafficking, child slavery) Interdenominational Church youth leadership development outreach Construction of Christian Development Center (CDC) Establishment of a Vocational school in Grand’Anse Region Expected Activity Result 120 young adults selected and enrolled in university Implement students ethical and spiritual development agenda Implement students team building & community development projects 84 high risk youth completed professional technical schools in target city in Grand’Anse region Interdenominational Church Youth leadership development Conducted capacity building Bible-based leadership seminars Impact 900 church youth leaders (4 per 225 church partners) Completion of CDC construction in Grand’Anse region n 15
REACHING HAITI FOR CHRIST PLAN 15 Year Plan: Vision 2030 Children Outreach Impact the children to maintain the foundation for a strong and prosperous Haiti. Support Operation Christmas Child National Leadership Team (NLT) activities School "Sponsor a Teacher" outreach Program High Risk Children Sponsorship program Expected Activity Result Support the NLT in mobilizing 2000 churches to engage in children evangelism Reach and impact at least 800 children per city (145 cities) Promote the conversion of more than 100,000 children across Haiti. Child slavery awareness and intervention Family relationship enrichment workshops n 16
REACHING HAITI FOR CHRIST Reaching the General Haitian Population National Day of Prayer for Haiti Let's Tell the Truth Radio and television Outreach Expected Activity Results National Day of Prayers August each year Encourage intercessory prayers for the nation National day of Reflection December each year Encourage unity of purpose n 17
JESUS IS THE ANSWER! A Christian Development Center -South Campus The New Haiti! 7/27/2011 18