AP English Literature & Composition Mrs. Natalie Astigarraga
A Little Note About Me I was born and raised in Miami, FL. After graduating from Miami Palmetto Senior High School, I attended Florida State University where I earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature. My husband, son and I moved to Stillwater, OK some years later and I was blessed with the opportunity to go back to school after the birth of my daughter. I earned a Master of Science Degree in Secondary Education from Oklahoma State University. We returned to Miami two years ago and I was fortunate to join the Somerset Silver Palms family.
Teacher’s Website Includes information regarding upcoming events, requested materials, College Board Resources, and more.
A Little Note About the Course We will examine various literary genres, styles, and techniques from the 16th to the 21st century Students will engage, synthesize, and evaluate the material. Our goal is to expand critical thinking, content knowledge, and confidence As the May 4th test day nears, students should feel fully prepared to take the AP exam and succeed.
Preliminary list of novels, dramas, and anthologized material Love Medicine, Louise Erdrich A Yellow Raft in Blue Water, Michael Dorris Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston Frankenstein, Mary Shelley Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen Oedipus the King, Sophocles Othello, William Shakespeare How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 10th, Ed. Michael Meyer
Grading Scale All assignments are graded on a 100 point scale. Within each quarter, the grades are comprised as follows: Essays/Projects/Exams – 40% Classwork – 30% Quizzes/Formative Assessments – 20% Participation – 10%
Discipline Procedures All students must be in compliance with the MDCPS Code of Conduct. Should a student be in violation of the classroom guidelines, or those of the MDCPS Code of Conduct, the following behavior plan will be utilized: 1. A warning and documentation of the incident 2. An action plan and parental contact 3. Administration of detention 4. Referral to an administrator for further action Contact with the parent will be made in regards to all of the actions listed above
On behalf of all of the Somerset staff… Thank you!