Embedding Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum (EEDC) Dr Pauline Hanesworth, HEA Scotland [pauline.hanesworth@heacademy.ac.uk] Learning for All 2014, Perth Concert Hall 13.03.2014
HEA’s mission is to support the development, delivery and dissemination of excellent learning and teaching in UK higher education. We do this through funding, research, provision of continuing professional development, fellowship, events, conferences…. The Embedding Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum (EEDC) project offers support to Scottish HEIs in the context of the increasing diversity of the student body and strengthening of legislative duties to proactively promote equality and eliminate discrimination; both of which call for a re-examination of the management, design and delivery of learning, teaching and assessment. See the ‘Click Away’ flyer for some current opportunities. 1 Our Mission
The Student Practitioner Model Morgan, M. 2013. Supporting Student Diversity in Higher Education. London and New York: Routledge: Figure 4.5
“WP and E&D strategies are both concerned with the opportunities made available to people and recognise that individuals have a range of needs and circumstances which institutions must understand and respond to in order to lower barriers to participation and success” Access, Retention and Success: Aligning Widening Participation and Equality Strategies. Equality Challenge Unit. 2013: 35. “Students are more interested in subjects available, the teaching, and the academic reputation of institutions rather than the social, physical or recreational facilities which are normally the focus of marketing” Learning Journeys: Student Experiences in Further and Higher Education in Scotland. The Higher Education Academy and NUS Scotland, 2013: 13.
Reflecting on our own Experiences 1. In pairs discuss a learning experience (in relation to curriculum, assessment or pedagogy) in which you felt excluded. 2. In pairs discuss a learning experience (in relation to curriculum, assessment or pedagogy) in which you felt included. Reflecting on our own Experiences
Sub-groups of all students Equality Groupings Disability-focused Inclusive Learner Groupings Wray, M. 2013. Developing an Inclusive Culture in Higher Education. The Higher Education Academy: Figure 1. EEDC and Groups
EEDC Self Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework Institutional Management and Co-ordination and Inclusive Policies and Procedures Infrastructure and resources Staff commitment and ownership (across the institution) Collaborative working across the university HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework Student and Staff Engagement How do we ensure students are engaged and taking ownership of their own learning? How do we ensure that staff are engaged and taking ownership of embedding E&D in their learning and teaching? Resources, Sites and Environment Physical vs. Virtual Accessibility HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework Curriculum Design General: flexible, varied, fair, engaging students, using technology (appropriately) Specific: integrating considerations of identity and identities to enhance understanding and to foster good relations “This Class Isn’t about Race!”: C. Paden, Simmons College [Lecturer in Political Science] http://www.gender-curricula.com/en/gender-curricula-startseite/ HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework Curriculum Delivery and Pedagogy General: multiple inductions and engagement, encourage student engagement and peer interaction, flexibility, blended and flexible learning Specific: disrupting stereotypes “Feminist Pedagogy in Action”: J. Louise-Lawrence, HEA/Sheffield University [Gender Studies] http://www.ecu.ac.uk/publications/unconscious-bias-colleges-HE-training-pack HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework Assessment and Feedback General: should be transparent, well-communicated, fair, varied, flexible, timely and comparable across programmes Specific: incorporate considerations of groups into assessment design “Assessment Choice”: M. Spirtos and S. Quinn, TCD [Occupational Therapy] http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Practitioners%20Guide.pdf HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework A curriculum that embeds equality and diversity should be: Anticipatory Flexible Accountable Collaborative Transparent Equitable HEA EEDC Self-Evaluation Framework
Working with the Framework 1 Concentrating on one area: What are the barriers to achieving the criteria? Consider general barriers as well as your own institutional/departmental etc. context. Working with the Framework 1
Working with the Framework 1 Concentrating on one area: In what ways could you overcome, work around or work within the stated barriers with regard to the achievement of the criteria? Working with the Framework 1