Maths Information Evening For Parents of St Maths Information Evening For Parents of St. Oswald’s Primary School Monday 3rd October 2017 6-7pm
Maths is like ..... People either LOVE it or HATE it! Often this love or hate relationship of maths goes right back to your experiences as a child!
At St. Oswald’s... Make maths FUN!!!!! Our aim is to ensure Maths is taught in a fun, interactive and practical way so that our children leave St. Oswald’s with a love of maths!!
New Maths curriculum (2014) The National Curriculum for Maths has 3 aims 1 – For children to become ‘fluent’ in all aspects of maths so they can recall facts and apply their knowledge quickly. 2 – For children to ‘reason mathematically’ giving reasons using mathematical language. 3 – For children to ‘solve problems’ by breaking it down into a series of steps.
Fluency This is children knowing addition and subtraction facts very well and being able to recall them quickly without working them out. And multiplication and division facts quickly. Fluency is also being able to apply these facts rapidly and accurately
Fluency KS1 Year 2 L.O. Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently. This is a part whole model (partitioning) linked to the fact. 20 5 ?
Fluency KS1 Year 2 L.O. Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently. This is a part whole model (partitioning) linked to the fact. Year 2 child should know that 15 + 5 = 20 5 + 15 = 20 And be able to link these addition facts to subtraction 20 – 5 = 15 20 – 15 = 5
Reasoning KS1 explaining it drawing it The National Curriculum suggests; Children to ‘reason mathematically’ giving reasons using mathematical language. Children reason by; explaining it drawing it making it with concrete materials (numicon)
Reasoning WR Y2 P6 LHS problem Fluency example WR Y2 P5 Q2 Reasoning WR Y2 P6 LHS problem
Reasoning solutions Explain it. I know that the inverse of – is + So I need to add 8 and 4 to see if it makes 12 Draw it 12 – 8 = 4 so 8 + 4 = Make it Using counters, numicon, any concrete materials.
Reasoning If your child is fluent in recalling and using addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently they should be able to apply this to reasoning. White Rose Year 2 P4 Bottom left problem
Reasoning Explain it Sam is correct because…. Well 8 – 5 is 3 8 – 3 = 5 8 isn’t the same as 5-3…that would make 2 so Laura cant be right. Draw it Draw pictures to show each calculation Make it Use counters and physically subtract the numbers to demonstrate that 5 – 3 is not 8
Fluency KS2 Year 4 L.O. Add and subtract numbers with 4 digits. For this they need to be secure with place value (ones, tens hundreds and thousands) 3242 + 213 Children need to know that one umber has 3 digits and the other has 4 digits and that they write it ; 3242 + 213
Fluency KS1 Year 4 L.O. Add and subtract numbers with 4 digits. . Again, children need to be secure with their + - facts Quick recall Add ones first – know 2 and 3 make 5 Add the tens – know that 40 and 10 make 50 Add the hundreds – know that 200 + 200 makes 400 Quick recall of these facts is used and applied in bigger numbers.
Reasoning KS2 explaining it drawing it The National Curriculum suggests; Children to ‘reason mathematically’ giving reasons using mathematical language. Children reason by; explaining it drawing it making it with concrete materials (numicon)
Reasoning example WR Y4 P6 RHS
Reasoning solutions Explain it. I know that 5 ones and 4 ones make 9 I know that 3 tens and 4 tens make 70 I know that 2 hundred and three hundred make 500 I know that there is only one thousand That would make one thousand, five hundred and seventy 9 – 1579 not 1589 Suri has added the tens incorrectly and made 80 not 70 Eleanor has written the calculation incorrectly and put the hundreds digit in the thousands column. Draw it 1234 1234 + 345 +345 1579 4684 Make it In a place value grid with counters
? ? ? Make sure maths is fun! How can Parents help at home? What method have you been using at school? Talk about how you do maths Be positive ? ? ? Ask your child to explain how they came to that answer. Give praise and encouragement. (Animated slide) Final slide and how parents can help at home. Encourage parents to talk to the teachers. LEA publications: Sums and things for parents Helping your child with maths Useful websites for parents: Make sure maths is fun!