Problems in trying to energize magnet along entire summer due to : KLOE HISTORY MAY-NOVEMBER 2003 Detector closed June 2003 with new I.R. and upgraded QCALs Problems in trying to energize magnet along entire summer due to : 1) Faulty quench detector board 2) Wrong threshold for He temperature variations Both pb. apparently solved last week by DA crew Recurrent temperature problems in Computing Room due to not yet reliable conditioning system “Rain” over some FEE crates on platforms CD (machine side) from cryo plant pipe (Sept. 29). For consequence see next slides.
System needs some recalibration (Achim needed) STATUS OF DC (I) GAS SYSTEM: Back into succesful operation in june/july and since october . System needs some recalibration (Achim needed) Preparing full PC replacement for long term data taking Will test system for water vapor addition next week (delayed by distilled water theft!) PROBLEM CHANNEL PRE problems : ~ 40 in April, ~ 80 in July (some additional around IR) ~ 120 now. Recently observed high DCNOISE rate w/out beams might imply additional problems (investigating)
Three gate configurations tested: preliminary results this meeting . STATUS OF DC (II) ADC TEST Test delayed twice due to cryo system problems. Finally performed on Nov. 3/5 Three gate configurations tested: preliminary results this meeting .
CALORIMETER STATUS Usual rate of HV channels BADS. Several boards replaced, need for CAEN intervention (wait until D-day approaches) After water accident of 29/09 2 HV crates and 1 SDS power supply module need to be replaced. MIP run finally taken on 6 7 Nov. whith B field on. Now looking at data.
No evidence of noise increase whith magnet on. QCAL STATUS New FEE installed. First tests on show increase of signal amplitude of a factor ~4 wrt previous situation, same noise. No evidence of noise increase whith magnet on. One particularly noisy channel on side B, probably a bad connector. Opening needed to fix it. Need some time to optimize HV settings
CISCO router broken, after water fall of Sept. 29. Replaced. TRIGGER, DAQ, FEE AND ALL THAT… New trigger board installed w/out problems. No consequence in operations need to check consequence on physics. Random trigger generator (needed for background studies) tested succesfully Some “black magic” operation needed to start run w/out errors. Preliminary study point to possible h.w. problem (FIO, ROCK?). Need more investigation. CISCO router broken, after water fall of Sept. 29. Replaced.
PREPARATION FOR LONG RUN By some time in Jan. we should be in “alarm state” for restart of standard data taking operations. Fix DAQ/FEE/TRIGGER problems Have detector in perfect shape (opening needed?) Have gas system calibrated Have all terminals in control room working … A more effective shift scheme has to be studied. Dedicated enlarged technical meeting to be announced after Executive this afternoon