Exam Review Topics and Links
Semester Exam Time: One hour and 40 minutes Part 1: Multiple Choice - 30 Questions - Includes Poetry and Prose Part 2: Essay, taken from past AP prompts. This essay will require you to select from a list of the longer works we’ve studied this semester. This includes A Doll House, The Importance of Being Earnest, Frankenstein, Night and The Metamorphosis. The exam, which is worth 10% of your semester grade, has a total of 130 possible points for you to earn. The essay is worth 100 points, and the multiple choice portion is worth 30 points. The multiple choice is of AP-level rigor, so I will be grading it out of 120.
Reviewing We will review practice questions and essay prompts next week You can begin studying now by using the collegeboard website: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/2002.ht ml You can review past prompts, and make sample outlines for how you would approach each essay Make a list of major themes, characters, and storylines for each of the literary works previously mentioned Study your essay feedback from past papers and review the 10 commandments of AP English Literature and Composition
Teacher Page My teacher page at www.marianhs.org contains a page full of useful links under the “Slides and Assignment Information” folder. http://www.marianhs.org/olc/class.aspx?id=18835&s=1083 The quizlet link: https://quizlet.com/106471771/ap-english-literature-and-composition-terms-1-flash-cards/ Literary Devices: http://literarydevices.net/ Be sure you can identify literary devices and comment on the effects of their usage, rather than merely defining them. Lastly, review the ten commandments of AP English Literature and Composition in your journals, or from the link on my teacher page.