Cambridge Shippers Meeting German Presentation Wednesday, 22th September 2016 Daniel Laufenberg
Unemployment rate compared to the EU Members Germany
GDP Development GDP – gross domestic product
Building Investments in Germany
Timber Production – Import and Export Softwood 2013 2014 2015 Comparsion2014/ 2015 consumption Germany [m³] 18.158.607 18.170.033 18.486.388 + 1,7 % production Germany [m³] 20.428.366 20.756.916 20.433.479 - 1,6 % Import [m³] 4.242.634 4.347.570 4.540.835 + 4,4 % Export [m³] 6.512.392 6.934.453 6.487.926 - 6,4 %
Timber Production – Index of Production
German Softwood Exports to Importing Countries
Log supply and raw material prices
Wood Residues
Summary about the German Sawmill Situation 1. Good general economic situation in Germany Comparable production levels as last year Tough economic situation because of problems on the wood residues market