Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) KOICA in Bangladesh Leveraging Korea’s Experience of Human Resource Development through TVET and Skill Development Programme Chowdhury Mustazabur Rahman Program Officer Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) 28 July 2017 Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency At a Glance Population: 50.4 million GDP: USD 35921/Capita Gross Domestic spending on R&D: 4.2% of GDP Internet access: 98.5% Spending on education: USD 7958/student HDI: #18 ICT: #1 Korea International Cooperation Agency
Transformation of Korea Before 1960s After 1960s War affected country Traditionally agricultural society Received ODA from the developed countries Low human development Low literacy rate A major donor Industrialization Manufacturing industries general merchandise light industries Labor Intensive export-oriented industries with comparative advantage of cheap and abundant labor Korea International Cooperation Agency
From Recipient to Donor Korea From Recipient to Donor Training Program for public officials of developing countries Assistance through provision of equipments Economic development cooperation fund (EDCF) Dispatched Korean volunteers From recipient to donor (declaration by UNDP) Establishment of KOICA 1963 1977 1987 1989 1991 1991
Classification of Vocational Training Programme in Korea Targets/Goals of Training Employers Individuals Employees (Upgrade Training) Employer-Initiated Vocational Skills Development Training SME-specific Training Consortium for National HRD Naeil Baeum Card for Employees (Vocational Skills Development Account System) Unemployed (Initial Training) Naeil Baeum Card for the Unemployed (Vocational Skills Development Account System) Training for National Basic and Strategic Industry Public Training Public Vocational Training, (Polytechnic Colleges, Korea University of Technology and Education, The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry) Korea International Cooperation Agency
Recent Reforms of TVET in Korea Decentralization To set up a demand-driven system, Korea reshape current TVET system into a decentralized system, which allows for flexibility in coordinating TVET provision at local levels. Quality Establishment of NQF allowing TVET providers to reshape their programs according to these standards. NQF guides the reform of the TVET system in regards to curriculum, teacher training, and linkages to the labor market. Partnership Partnerships with private sector stakeholders including enterprises, labor unions, industry associations, university experts, as well as NGO and other civil society organizations. Relevance Enhancing the relevance of TVET promoting employment as well as productivity and efficiency in the labor market. Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency KOICA- At a Glance Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency KOICA in Bangladesh Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency KOICA in Bangladesh Korea International Cooperation Agency
Skill Development Projects in Bangladesh Capacity Development Programme of TTC, Rajshahi Strengthening Training System of BMET with Upgrading 3 TTCs Modernization and Strengthening of TICI CREATIVE Bangladesh The Project for Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC, Chittagong Bangladesh Korea Technical Training Centre, Dhaka Korea International Cooperation Agency
Project Briefs BMET USD 8.5 million 2015-2019 Training of Trainers Upgrading Rajshahi TTC BMET USD 8.5 million 2015-2019 Training of Trainers Strengthening BMET BMET, SEIP and ADB USD 8.50 million 2017-2021 Private sector partnership Modernization of TICI BCIC USD 5 million 2014-2017 Curriculum development Korea International Cooperation Agency
Project Briefs BMET USD 4.8 million 2011-2013 USD 4 million 2007-2009 Enhancing the Vocational Training Program of TTC, Chittagong BMET USD 4.8 million 2011-2013 Bangladesh Korea Technical Training Centre, Dhaka USD 4 million 2007-2009 Korea International Cooperation Agency
Modality of the Projects Components Construction Renovation Equipment & Material Training Curriculum Development Volunteer Dispatch Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency Looking Forward Holistic approach Overall development of technical institutes Industry engagement Industry driven training Employment generation Decentralization Diffusing TVET in rural/semi urban areas Attract the rural youth Partnership Private sector partnership Close engagement with other DPs Korea International Cooperation Agency
Korea International Cooperation Agency Thank you Korea International Cooperation Agency