SEETO Investment Report 2016 Regional transport cooperation under SEETO SEETO Investment Report 2016 49th SEETO Steering Committee Meeting 27th October 2016, Belgrade CORRIDORS - Development perspective of the Serbia and Region Belgrade, March 29th 2017 Sanja Dodig, SEETO Transport Economist Officer
Content: SEETO background Indicative Extension of the TEN-T Comprehensive/Core Network Investments Priority Projects Western Balkan 6 process
SEETO Regional Cooperation South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO) is regional transport organization established by the Memorandum of Understanding for the development of the Core Regional Transport Network (MoU) signed on June 11th, 2004 by the Governments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and the European Commission.
Indicative Extension of the TEN-T Comprehensive and Core Network
Total amount invested in the indicative extension to the TEN-T Comprehensive and Core Network in the Western Balkans from 2004 disbursed (€6,1 billion) committed (€5,3 billion) secured (€1,1 billion) together amounted to €12,5 billion. 90% (EUR 11.2 billion) of total amount invested in Indicative extension of the TEN-T Comprehensive Network to the Western Balkans from 2004 was invested in Core Network.
Share of total investments per mode of transport (M€)
Share of total investments per source of funding (M€)
SEETO Priority Projects In 2012 SEETO adopted methodology for evaluation of priority project which present the base for preparation list of SEETO priority projects There is to type of Priority projects: i) Priority projects eligible for funding – advanced projects for which a comprehensive evaluation is available, based on a completed feasibility study and, if available, all of the project documentation. ii) Priority projects for preparation – projects which require full project preparation and project evaluation to determine their feasibility. These projects are not ready for implementation but funding is required to carry out the necessary preparatory work. The estimates presented on the preparatory project list were derived from pre-feasibility studies and preliminary designs while funding is required for the preparation of feasibility studies and detailed designs.
SEETO Priority Projects in MAP 2016 21 Project eligible for funding 27 Projects under preparation The estimated investment required for the implementation of these 48 priority projects is approximately €9.64 billion: a) eligible for funding: €2.67 billion b) preparatory: €6.97 billion.
Indicative Extension of the TEN-T Road and Airport Comprehensive/Core Network Corridor X – Completion of Belgrade by pass, sector 6: Strazevica Bubanj Potok – negotiation ongoing Route 7 - Construction of highway section Merdare – Kursumlija-Prokuplje by pass-Merosina-Nis Route 7 – Construction of motorway section Pojate-Preljina Route 4 – Construction of motorway section Belgrade-Vrsac-Romanian border
Indicative Extension of the TEN-T Rail and IWW Comprehensive/Core Network Corridor X: Modernization of the Nis – Presevo (border with MKD border) railway line Reconstruction, modernisation and construction of the second track on the section Stalac – Djunis of the railway line Beograd – Nis Modernisation for the contemporary double- track traffic of the single - track section of the railway line Resnik-Klenje-Mali Požarevac - Velika Plana Corridor Xb: Reconstruction and Modernisation of the railway line Belgrade - Novi Sad - Subotica - border with Hungary(Kelebija) Railway Corridor Xc: Nis - Bulgarian border, section Sicevo-Stanicenje-Dimitrovgrad
Western Balkan 6 process and Connectivity agenda The Western Balkans Conference, 2014 in Berlin provided a political framework for more intensive development of transport infrastructure List of infrastructure projects and soft measures to be implemented by 2020 as well as the appointment of corridor coordinators (Vienna and Paris Summit in 2015 and 2016) 2014 Berlin 2015 Vienna 2016 Paris 2017 Rome ………… April 2015 MM TEN-T days RIGA December 2015 AMM Soft measure 2016
INSTRUMENT FOR PRE-ACCESSION ASSISTANCE II Under the new approach, the EC will make up to EUR 1 billion available under the IPA II 2014-2020 to Western Balkans 6 through the WBIF This new approach will give to SEETO Regional Participants access to financial support for infrastructure project implementation, though co-investment grants in addition to the existing project preparation support. Initially, IPA II regional funds will be only available for projects under the connectivity agenda for co-financing, while the technical assistance (TA) will continue for all four WBIF sectors (energy, transport, environment, social).
WB6 Connectivity agenda – Connectivity Reform Measures Conclusion of the Vienna Summit 2015 was following: The Western Balkan countries have agreed to a priority list of 'soft measures’ in transport, which have been prepared by the SEETO in cooperation with the Transport Ministers. The Western Balkan countries will ensure that they are all fully implemented before the Summit in France.The Western Balkans Conference, 2015 in provided a political framework for more intensive development of transport infrastructure Focus was putted on the following: Reforms in rail Road/ Rail Maintenance Plan (2020 objective: functioning maintenance system without sections in very poor and poor condition) Implementation and deployment of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) on the Core Network Road safety audits on all projects on the Core Network Effective border crossing agreements
Conclusions Necessary to ensure interoperability and equal standards on national, regional and EU level Common regional planning and coordination would increase regional mobility and economic development
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