Student iPhone App Development & Institutional IT: The Story So Far Bryan Dubno Doug Johnson David Khey 3 March 2010
Can’t Find Your Classes? There’s an App For that!
So here’s the situation Bryan Dubno, creates UF Mobile On his own, working independently
So here’s the situation Bryan Dubno, creates UF Mobile He is discovered by David Khey While working on an unrelated project
So here’s the situation: Bryan Dubno, creates UF Mobile He is discovered by David Khey Who is managed by Doug Johnson Who decides to try bringing this app “into the fold” (with Bryan’s & Dave’s support)
Division of Labor Bryan does the work David brokers content with campus information providers Doug navigates institutional interests
Current Features UF GPS-enabled map Directory News Feed Calendar Online lectures
Emerging Features Campus safety Class schedule, required textbooks, GPS-enabled class locations
Future Features RTS Bus GPS system integration UAA scores and news
Bryan’s Issues Bryan does not want to make money on this Bryan wants to continue developing and retain control over development Bryan needs introductions to campus information sources
IT Issues No known/recent precedent for bringing this kind of independent student work under official auspices; Need to ensure continuity of development and support should Bryan decide to move on.
And how do we write the PO? Purchasing Issues What does THAT mean?!? And how do we write the PO?
GENERAL COUNSEL Issues How do we license free software? Do we need to send this out for bids?
MARKETING Issues This app references UF!
Student Government We want in!!!
Wait! How did you get access to our classroom lecture content? College of Business Wait! How did you get access to our classroom lecture content?
Wait! How did you get access to our classroom lecture content? College of Business Wait! How did you get access to our classroom lecture content? They were on board once they got that figured out …
But we’re thinking about hiring someone to develop our own app! Athletic Association But we’re thinking about hiring someone to develop our own app! And we’ve got more money that you do! Nyah nyah!
Everyone Else: THIs is cool! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been late to class trying to find my way around. Thanks for this amazing app! Awesome! ***** ***** Good beginnings to a very useful app!
The plan Creative Commons licensing Parallel development: Current platforms: iPhone and iPod Touch – we want wider device coverage Bryan to continue iPhone app development UF staff to develop web app and android capabilities Want to pay Bryan something to recognize his work
We’re not the only ones …
More information About UF Mobile Brochure - Web Site - iTunes App Store - Search for “UF Mobile”
Doug Johnson – David Khey – THANK YOU Doug Johnson – David Khey –
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