Customer Invoicing in KFS Everything you need to know from creating a customer to how to analyze a customer account
Creating a Customer in KFS During one of Jonathan’s (the UCONN husky) appearances, a tick was discovered latched behind his left ear. To be on the side of caution, Jonathan decided to bring the tick to the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory for Lyme testing. Jonathan quickly made his way over to the lab and requested the testing. Because Jonathan was in such a rush, he forgot to bring his wallet for payment. CVMDL told Jonathan not to worry and that they would send him an invoice.
Creating a Customer in KFS Before we can create an invoice in KFS, CVMDL must create the customer to invoice.
Creating a Customer in KFS Prior to creating a new customer in KFS, you must search KFS to confirm a customer does not already exist. To confirm there is not an existing customer in KFS: 1. Click into the “Customer Name” field and type the name: *Husky, Jonathan*. 2. Be sure to click the “Both” bottom to view all accounts (active & inactive) 3. Click Search If customer exists, results will appear.
Creating a Customer in KFS If no results appear, click “Create New” to create new customer.
Creating a Customer in KFS Enter all required fields marked with asterisk (*). When entering name, please use last name, first name The most common customer type is IO for Individual Other Collection Status defaults to “Current.”
Creating a Customer in KFS The “Address Name” field is the name which prints on the Customer Statement. Make sure to click “Add” after entering address information. Contact Information: Enter as much contact information as possible. This will help the AR Office/Collection agency should the customer fail to pay. Once all tabs are completed and the information is entered, you may click “submit” at the bottom of the eDoc and routed to the AR Manager’s action list for approval.
Creating a Customer Invoice (INV) Departments will not be notified when the customer has been approved. If you need the customer approved prior to the 24 hour turnaround rule, please contact the Accounts Receivable Office at 5995 to request an exception. Now we are ready to invoice Jonathan…
Creating a Customer Invoice (INV) To prepare an invoice, click on “Customer Invoice” under Transactions > Accounts Receivable. When an invoice is entered into KFS, the department immediately records the revenue to their account. Should you begin the invoice but not have all the information needed to submit, there is an option to save the invoice eDoc to complete and finalize at a later time.
Creating a Customer Invoice (INV) Enter all required fields. When entering the “Accounting Line” (account number, object code, invoice item quantity and invoice item unit price) please be sure to click “add” prior to submitting invoice. Due date defaults to 30 days. Any backup or notes regarding the invoice should be included in the “Notes and Attachments section.” Once information is completely entered, click “Submit.”
Creating a Customer Invoice Invoice Generation The responsibility falls on the department to print and mail invoices to customer. After submitting invoice, return to the bottom of the eDoc and click “Reload.” At the bottom of the eDoc, click “Generate Print File.” A PDF file will open which can be printed and mailed to customer. *If the PDF file does not open, check for pop-up blockers and/or clear your cache.
Reviewing Customer Report/History After creating the customer invoice, CVMDL prints and mails the invoice to Jonathan. Jonathan receives the invoice and immediately mails back payment. Cash Operations receives the payment and applies it to Jonathan’s customer account. One month later, Jonathan receives a Customer Statement sent from the UCONN Accounts Receivable Office stating an invoice is past due. Jonathan calls CVMDL asking why he still has a balance.
Reviewing Customer Report/History There are many ways a department can view a customer account to confirm payment was made or if additional charges have been entered on the account. Under “Actions” click on “report” of customer you wish to view.
Reviewing Customer Report/History INVs with $0 in the “Unpaid/ Unapplied Amount” column have been paid in full while those with an amount, indicates a balance is due. APPs are payments made to an invoice. To view eDoc detail, click on the “Document Number”. By reviewing Jonathan’s history, we can see invoice 3879584 was paid, while invoice 3879581 is still outstanding.
Reviewing Customer Report/History Another way to determine if an invoice has been paid is to perform a “doc search” on the main KFS screen. This is useful if you are looking to see if a specific invoice has been paid.
Reviewing Customer Report/History After you open the Customer Invoice, you can tell if the invoice had been relieved by looking at the “Open Amount” located in the upper right corner. If there is a balance in the “Open Amount”, the invoice is still outstanding.
Reviewing a Customer Report/ History Paid Invoice Outstanding Invoice
Reviewing a Customer Report/ History How do I know when and how the invoice was paid? Opening the APP eDoc will give additional information on how and when the invoice was paid. Here APP 3879599 shows that CK#123 for $100 was applied to invoice 387584 on 9/21/2016.
Reviewing the Customer Report/ History But if Jonathan already paid his invoice, why is there still an outstanding balance due? To determine this, we go back to the Customer History Report and click on the Document Number of the invoice still due (3879581).
Reviewing the Customer Report/ History After reviewing the invoice, it appears that a duplicate invoice was accidently created for the same services.
Creating a Credit Memo “I submitted a duplicate invoice, what do I do now?” Credit memos are used to cancel an invoice (or a portion of) when there is an error to the invoice. The Credit Memo eDoc must contain supporting notes in order to be approved. Credit Memos must be approved both by the FO on the account as well as the AR Manager. Please note that a credit memo will reverse the revenue that was initially credited to the department.
Creating a Credit Memo Once in the Customer Credit Memo screen, enter the original invoice number in “Invoice Reference Number” and click “Continue”.
Creating a Credit Memo Required fields are marked with asterisk (*). When entering the information for invoice items, input Quantity (units) or Amount (dollars) to be created. However, do not enter both. Once entered, click “recalculate.” Additionally, please enter the reason for the credit memo and any backup in the “Notes and Attachments” section for audit purposes. After you add the note and attachment, be sure to click “Add” otherwise the note will not save. Credit memos without proper justification will not be approved.
Credit Memo vs Write Off Customer Error (customer, date, address) Invoice item returned/ service never provided/ customer not satisfied Duplicate Invoice Invoice Error (amount billed, KFS account) Payment received, invoice never relieved Charge cannot be proved Incorrect way of billing (IB) Customer is deceased Customer is bankrupt Invoice is deemed uncollectable after collections process Legal Counsel make settlement with customer *Accounts are reviewed and prepared for approval on an annual basis by the Accounts Receivable Office.
Reviewing the Customer History If we want to double check that the credit memo was approved, we can go back to the Customer History Report. We will see that the invoice is now relieved and that a CRM document is included in Jonathan’s history.
What happens when the Invoice does not get paid? DAS/Collections Write Off Quarterly Customer Statements Quarterly customer statements are generated and forwarded to the customer by the Accounts Receivable Office. Customers who have outstanding invoices greater than 60 days, receive a past due letter requesting payment promptly. If payment is still not received, and we have a SSN, the account will be sent to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) for tax offset. Additionally, the account may be sent to an outside collection agency. The University partners with General Revenue and Reliant in attempts to collect past due balances Once the University has exhausted all collection efforts, the Accounts Receivables Office prepares accounts for the annual write off process. Once approved, an eDoc is created in KFS reversing the outstanding invoice. This also reverses the revenue that the department initially received.
For any questions, please contact the Accounts Receivable Office at 860-486-5995 or
P.S. Jonathan the Husky was not injured or harmed in any way during this training.