So how did we come to be?.


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Presentation transcript:

So how did we come to be?

History LACORS announced their withdrawal from Registration Previous societies no longer active Need for development of an association to address some of the gaps that LACORS would leave and offer a formal professional representative body for Registration Managers National conference held in Leicester on 2nd April 2009 to agree a way forward A shadow executive committee was formed from nominations at that conference and the first meeting of that committee took place on 20th May 2009 The shadow exec were nominated by the attendees of that conference in Leicester and so Mark Rimmer, Giles Adey, Karen Lounton, Judy Tomkinson, Julie Hole and myself met in May.

How it Progressed Debate and final agreement on a name – so the LRSA was born A draft constitution drawn up and agreed Partnership working explored with TSI Pump priming money sought and successfully secured Initial contract negotiated and agreed with TSI for partnership working Priorities identified and work on a professional and practical website commenced Work on the first LRSA event commenced- the successful NCS conference held at the RSA in London last November Initial meetings were held at Government house with Wendy Martin and Margaret Humphries involvement to establish the way forward and a pledge of pump priming money from LACORS to aid with the development of a website and uplifting of all the data and reference resources from the LACORS website. Mention in league with LACORS at this stage

Aims and Objectives To lead and influence at a national level the development of policies regarding the delivery of the local authority registration and related services. Represent the interests of the Association’s members To assist and support service managers to lead, manage, strengthen and develop their services by identifying and promoting ways in which services can be delivered to best meet the needs of local communities and demonstrate value for money. To assist central government, LGA, and other relevant organisations develop a co-ordinated and user focused approach to the development of policy. To utilise the skills and experience of members to contribute to the development of the Association and its aims and objectives. And so aims and objectives were discussed and agreed as: Acknowledging that this would be in addition and complimentary to the Panel who are also assisting in developing policy

Aims and Objectives Continued To raise the profile of registration and related services and the important part they play in local communities and for society as a whole. To provide mutual support, personal development and leadership development, including succession planning to enable members to carry out their roles as efficiently and effectively as possible. Over time to broaden the scope of the Association’s support to all members working within registration and related services. The final point here is where we hope the association will go longer term – initial discussions centred a lot around membership and it was agreed that initially it should be an association for managers as this would keep it to manageable levels and try and ensure the success and sustainability of the association – not wanting to get too big too soon syndrome as this often leads to spectacular failures. However, it is hoped that the association can develop and broaden to offer different membership opportunities and encompass partnership workers such as coroners too in the fullness of time.

Benefits to all Local Authorities Communication of regular LACORS style information updates and bulletins Website repository of LACORS historical information, updates and bulletins Provider of conferences and training events including an annual LACORS style Year Ahead conference Website repository of regional group and National Panel minutes Website recruitment advertising Responding to government and stakeholder consultations Aspiration for the medium term to develop a professional qualification Development of a ‘Vision’ for registration, celebratory and associated services Facilitate working groups through the regional management groups to undertake specific projects Website self service for updating LRSA email communication circulation list Annual Quality Service Awards The website will be available globally and will offer benefits to all Las including Regular communications – which hopefully you have all seen already Repository of information Events Minutes Global recruitment advertising Consultation Developing a professional qualification Development of a vision Working groups Circulation list updates by yourselves Annual awards – starting next year

Specific benefits to members of LRSA Conference delegate discounts Recruitment advertising discounts Members only password protected website area Development of benchmarking framework Sharing of best practice (eg Good Practice Guide, electronic notice boards) Member only website networking forum Access to member only directory of direct dial numbers for Registration Staff in LAs In addition LAs who pay the £400 annual subscription will have extra benefits including Event discounts Advertising discounts Password protected giving access to Directory for the times when you really need to get to speak to someone and don’t have time to go through call centres, etc

The Way Forward – Short Term Secure membership from LA’s Roll out and continued development of website Continued distribution of informative communications and updates Continued monitoring of the contract with TSI to ensure effective and efficient partnership working Planning of next NCS conference in the autumn this year Planning of next Year Ahead conference Development of member only directory of direct access numbers to facilitate easier inter-authority communications Identify opportunities for half day and one day events, develop, promote and operate those identified Get out members on board Website - Karen going to speak about that in a minute and give a demo

The Way Forward – Medium & Long Term Working towards developing a national qualification in Registration Extend the number of courses and events offered Extend benchmarking and best practice sharing facilities to assist LAs in increasingly difficult and testing financial times Broaden the scope of the Association’s membership to all those working within registration and related services Develop the Association in consultation with members to incorporate areas valued by Local Registration Services to ensure the Association grows and is sustainable

Over to Karen for information and a demonstration of the LRSA website