Talk to others appropriately and in a respectful manner
Watch me! You will each be given a post-it note. I want you to think of a time when someone has been un kind to you and not respected your feelings, this can be emotionally or physically. Take a minute to think about how this made you feel. On your post-it note write down the reasons you think that someone may be unkind or have tendencies to bully others. Place your post-it note on the white board at the front of the class and go back to your seat. Once everyone has placed their note on the board your tutor will select a few to read to you. Discussion: Are the reasons similar?
Discussion tables 1. Agree or disagree: It's okay to insult or make fun of people as long as they don't hear it. 2. What are some common signs of disrespect that you see in people here at school? How do you feel about that? 3. What do you dislike most about the way people treat each other here at school? What do you like the most? Why do you feel that way? 4. Are there a lot of put-downs here at school? Are put-downs a sign of disrespect? How, in what way? 5. Is there a difference between a put-down and an insult? What's the difference? 6. Do you have to like a person in order to be respectful, or can you be respectful to someone even if you don't particularly care for him or her? 7. When you're with a group of friends, what things might other people do or say that make you feel good? What things make you feel bad? Your form tutor will put you in groups of 2 or three. On each table there is a question that you must read and discuss in your group. Once you have discussed the issue for 2/3 minutes move onto the next table as a group.
Think of practical ways that you can show respect every day… Copy this table into your piece of paper and complete it. Place the paper into the plastic wallet section of your organiser. Refer to it any-time you see anyone being disrespectful. Be the difference – stand up for those who might nor be as strong as you and challenge someone's behaviour when it is unacceptable! What can we do? How I can show respect at home: How I can show respect in class: How I can show respect at break/lunch time: How I can show respect on my way to and from school: