Introduction of the project Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Introduction of the project - summary of the proposal, work packages, tasks and responsibilities, expected results Dear Colleagues, Friends! Péter and I have prepared some slides about the project, the summary of the project, the work packages, tasks and responsibilities. INTRODUCTION: But first of all let me introduce myself briefly for the new colleagues, VL, , I’m project manager. I have been working for BBS for more than 3 years. My work is the coordination and administration of the BBS’s international projects, helping the rector Éva Sándor-Kriszt, and Péter in the project management work. My main tasks are keeping track of the projects, keeping in touch with the partners, preparing interim and final reports, collecting the projects’ documentation, helping the administrative and the financial management of the projects. (The financial manager of the project is Csanád Peterdy, financial deputy manager of the BBS). 19-20 November 2007, University Paris X Nanterre Kick-off meeting of the project Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Project outline Consortium: Contractor: Budapest Business School (P1) Partners: Universite Paris X Nanterre (P2) University of Essex (P3) Hochschule Wismar (P4) Confederation of the Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (P5) Bundesverband Mittelstandische Wirtschaft (P6) Duration: 24 months (01/10/2007 – 30/09/2009) Total budget: 399 943 Euro EC grant: 299 955 Euro Associated project: 51693-IC-1-2003-1-HU-ERASMUS-PROGUC-1 Master commun en PME The consortium consists of 4 Higher Education partners and 4 SME federations – 2 directly, and 2 indirectly, 1 connecting to the French partner: Confédération generale des petites et moyennes entreprises – representative: Jean-Francois VEYSSET, and 1 connecting to the University of Essex: East of England Multimedia Alliance (EMMA), its Chief Executive is Richard Field The duration of the project is 24 months, the end of the project is 30th of September 2009. The total budget is about 400 000 Euro, the European Commission’s grant is its 75%. The proposal of the project built on the results of a former ERASMUS project. It was also a Curriculum development project, in which 5 modules were partially completed in 3 languages, in French by the University Paris X Nanterre, in English by a Belgian University, called EHSAL and in Hungarian by the BBS. Now we have one more language, which is German, it will be participated by the Hochschule Wismar, and EHSAL has been changed to University of Essex. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC The project in numbers Partners: 6 (+2) institution – 4 HE, 4 SME Federation Duration: 24 months (01/10/2007 – 30/09/2009) Modules for development: 12 new modules + 5 modules for revision Master diplomas: 4 joint diplomas, virtual SME Masters Working languages: 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, HU) Participants: about 70 people – management, teachers/trainers, experts Meetings: 4 partnership meetings with dissemination/exploitation events Total budget: 399 943 Euro EC grant: 299 955 Euro Working days: 1 112 days teacher/trainer: 758 days manager/technical: 426 days Target groups (short term): more than 100 – managers, teachers/trainers, experts Target groups (long term): more than 40 000 – SMEs, self employers, university students Partners: 6 (+2) institution – 4 HE, 4 SME Federation Duration: 24 months (01/10/2007 – 30/09/2009) Modules for development: 12 new modules + 5 modules for revision Master diplomas: 4 joint diplomas, virtual SME Masters Working languages: 4 languages (EN, FR, DE, HU) Participants: about 70 people – management, teachers/trainers, experts Meetings: 4 partnership meetings with dissemination/exploitation events Total budget: 399 943 Euro EC grant: 299 955 Euro Working days: 1 112 days teacher/trainer: 758 days manager/technical: 426 days Target groups (short term): more than 100 – managers, teachers/trainers, experts Target groups (long term): more than 40 000 – SMEs, self employers, university students Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Work packages 1. Work package 1. - General Project Management This work package includes the project management and financial management activities, and the interim and final reporting. The leader partner in these tasks is the Contractor Budapest Business School. Tasks: Task 1.1: Planning and Evaluating Task 1.2: Project management Task 1.3: Reporting Task 1.4: Conception of the first adult courses Results / products: Detailed Work Plan with Milestones and the Detailed Budget Interim and Final Reports Conceiving adult SME competency courses constructed from already existing and new modules Some words about the work packages of the project. Péter more or less has dealt with the professional part of the project, and the work packages, which are concerning to those. Planning and Evaluating – it is the main task of the managerial meetings, evaluating the completed activities, compared to the timetable and the agreed quality measures, and planning the activities for the future. Project management means continuous co-ordination of the expert work. Reporting means on the one hand a report on the expert work, and on the other hand a financial report, documentation of the spent amounts. Conception of the first adults courses – it is Péter’s desk. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Work packages 2. Work package 2. – Course Development This work package includes the task of the setting up of 12 teaching material developer teams with 1-1 teacher/expert from each of the 4 higher educational institutions, the definition of the content lists of the modules, the development of the curricula, the e-Learning / bLearning development of these teaching materials. 5 modules from the former ERASMUS project will be revised. (The expert quadrangles will devote time to a future deepening of the contents in order to open the way for thinking about the conception of a third cycle in SME training.) Tasks: Task 2.1: Creation of quadrangles Task 2.2: Preparing Short Content Papers Task 2.3: Training Material Development Task 2.4: e-Learning development Results / products: Short Content Papers Course modules in traditional (and in script) form e-Learning course modules Course development is the most important one from the packages. It consists the expert work, from the preparation of Content Papers to the completion of the e-Learning teaching materials. I’m dealing with this in details in this presentation. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Work packages 3. Work package 3. – Quality Management and Evaluation Full control (and tracking of tasks) for all the products/deliverables: Non conformance reviews and technical reviews of materials; Feedbacks from the national SME federations regarding the content of the modules; Ad hoc checking the curriculum developers’ work in the different quadrangles. Tasks: Review all materials; Collect and analyse feedback from training material developers; Check that all points found in reviews are refined in the materials; Results / products: Expert Evaluations - Expert Evaluations concerning each module with the participation of the local SME federations’ experts to ensure the high quality of deliverables/products Quality management is also important. We should pay attention to the quality of the materials, according to the requirements of the SME federations concerning the different modules, and the quality of the work, of the quadrangles – keeping of the deadlines, and so on. It can be part of the project management work – instead of the requirements and evaluation of the SME federations. We had to separate it according to the requirements of the European Commission for the project proposal. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Work packages 4. Work package 4. – Broad Dissemination and Workshops This work package together with WP5 will include the short term valorisation activities, the dissemination and broad announcement with leaflets, publications, national dissemination workshops and the final exploitation conference (one event in each participating country), the accreditation and the advertisement of the completed courses for SMEs in different levels (BA, MA, DOC) in all the 4 participating countries, helped locally by the national SME federations. Tasks: Task 4.1: Broad dissemination Task 2.: Workshops Results / products: A general website and four local sites Newsletters and a final publication According to the European Commission’s requirements as well we had to separate dissemination and exploitation, as Work package 4 and 5. It was a hard work to separate these tasks, which are closely related to each other. I suggest you to deal with them together. Dissemination and exploitation involve the dissemination workshops and the closing conference, these are a half day programmes connecting to the project meetings if it is possible. A dissemination workshop can be a good occasion to inform the environment of the institutions about the planned tasks and expected results of the project. Important tools should also be the local websites, the uploading of information and results is the task of the local co-ordinators. We planned with the preparation of a newsletter, or leaflet or flyer and a short final publication about the project’s results in all the 4 working languages. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Work packages 5. Work package 5. – Exploitation - Accreditation Preparing advertising materials (written materials and advertising sequences broadcasted); Preparing the documentation for the submission of the accreditation requirement for the Master courses. Tasks: Conceiving courses, beyond the Master, (using the already existing modules and the new Master modules) tailored to special adult target groups; Introduction of the courses into the official curriculum system of the partner institutions; Exploitation conference; Advertising the courses, press releases, marketing/publicity materials. Results / products: Advertising materials Course development on the basis of the already prepared modules These printed documents could be also advertisement tools. In the latest months of the project duration important element of the management will be the preparation for Master course development and for the accreditation, if we managed to reach the expected results. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Work Packages and Tasks Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC GANTT Plan 1. Work Packages and Tasks M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 WP1. General Project Management Task 1.1 Planning and Evaluating Task 1.2 Project Management Task 1.3 Reporting Task 1.4 Conception of the first adult courses The GANTT diagram is a good tool to illustrate the progress of the project all together and by tasks. The dark grey boxes indicating the months, in which the consortium should undertake the tasks. You can see the continuous tasks – management, planning and evaluation, between managerial meetings, project managers and coordinators should also be in connection by e-mail or phone to solve the actual problems or to inform each other about the results. Conception of the first adult courses is task of the latest months. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Work Packages and Tasks Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC GANTT Plan 2. Work Packages and Tasks M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 WP2. Preparation and Design of Educational Products Task 2.1 Creating Quadrangles Task 2.2 Preparing Content Papers Task 2.3 Training Material Dev. Task 2.3/a Translation Task 2.4 b-Learning Development This slide shows the progress of the course development / curriculum development work, I’m dealing with this in details at the scheduled timetable. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Work Packages and Tasks Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC GANTT Plan 3. Work Packages and Tasks M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 WP3. Quality Management and Evaluation WP4. Broad Dissemination and Workshops Task 4.1 Broad Dissemination Task 4.2 Workshops WP5. Exploitation - Accreditation Quality management can be also a continuous task, like broad dissemination and exploitation. We have also pointed the scheduled date of the following project meetings connecting to the planned dissemination workshops. 2. Meeting - Starting meeting of the other 6 modules in Essex in January, 2008. 3. Meeting for the heads of the quadrangles – Reporting on the teaching material work in their quadrangles, cross-checking of the draft curricula to avoid overlaps in the content and the discussion of the conception for the e-Learning development. It could be organised in Wismar in June or July, 2008. 4. Meeting – Evaluation of the curricula, closing of the project and the final exploitation conference for the wide public in Budapest. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Budgetary issues 1. Budget total - All expenditures: All figures in Euro Total % P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Budapest Business School University Paris X-Nanterre University of Essex Hoch-schule Wismar CHEI BVMW A. Total staff cost 212 947 53,24 48 025 55 700 38 700 58 450 6 072 6 000 B. Operations: 1. Travel and subsistence 72 246 18,06 19 356 15 936 18 399 17 655 900 2. Equipment 0,00 3. Subcontracting 93 300 23,33 32 400 15 400 23 100 20 400 1 000 4. Other 3,85 3 700 3 900 B. Total operational costs 180 946 45,24 55 456 35 326 45 399 41 955 1 900 C. Indirect costs 6 050 1,51 2 000 1 200 450 300 Total project expenditures = A + B + C 399 943 100,00 105 481 92 136 85 299 101 305 8 422 7300 Here you can see the total budget – all expenditures in total and by partners. The greatest amount will be invested to Staff costs – it consists the whole amount of the project management, and the biggest part of the course development. The second highest amount will be invested to Subcontracting – mostly for translation and e-Learning development. And the third significant will finance the Travelling and Subsistence costs. The budget is strange, we haven’t got too much money, but we have a lot to do – I sent to everybody many times the detailed budget as annex of the project proposal, in that document you can see our calculation, which reinforce my statement, opinion. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Budapest Business School University Paris X-Nanterre Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Budgetary issues 2. Budget total - All revenues: All figures in Euro Total % break-down P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Budapest Business School University Paris X-Nanterre University of Essex Hoch-schule Wismar CHEI BVMW Community grant requested from LLP 299 955 75,00 79 110 69 102 63 974 75 978 6 316 5 475 Partners' own funding 99 988 25,00 26 371 23 034 21 325 25 327 2 106 1 825 Other sources 0,00 Total project revenues 399 943 100,00 105 481 92 136 85 299 101 305 8 422 7 300 Here you can see the total budget – all revenues in total and by partners. 75% of the total budget will be financed by the grant of the European Commission, and we have to finance 25% of the total costs from own funding. Own funds can be the total of the indirect costs, and the remaining part should be from staff costs. Travelling and Subsistence, Subcontracting and Other costs are fully granted by the Commission. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Organizational charts 1. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Organizational charts 1. Project manager Budapest Business School Project manager University of Essex University Paris X Hochshule Wismar Director BVMW MGYOSZ Co-ordinator Administrator Quality manager Budapest Business School Financial manager Heads of quadrangles (3) Members of quadrangles (9) Members for revision (5) Heads of quadrangles (3) Members of quadrangles (9) Members for revision (5) Members for adaptation (5) SME experts (3) SME experts (3) We prepared also organisational charts to illustrate the setting up of the project organisation. At the top of the chart is the project manager of the contractor Budapest Business School. He is Péter Soltész. At the next level there are the local project managers, they have also quality management and financial management tasks. In these tasks they can be helped by the Co-ordinators and Administrators. They belong to the project management. The leaders of the curriculum development work are the heads of the quadrangles. Every Higher Educational partners have 3 heads, and 9 members of the different teaching material development groups. Every partner should also denominate 5 people to partially existing modules from the former ERASMUS project. 3-3 experts participate the SME federations in the project together with the management of the federations. The indirectly participating 2 SME federations also have to del with the modules led by the local heads. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Organizational charts 2. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Organizational charts 2. Management model on Partner level: Project manager Quality manager Financial manager Co-ordinator Administrator Organisational chart on partner level. Every Higher Educational institution denominated a project manager, a co-ordinator and an administrator. BBS as Contractor has a financial manager and a quality manager, but the other partners’ management also have to deal with the quality management and financial tasks, first of all with the documentation of the spending. The Contractor’s financial manager and co-ordinator – it’s me – will direct the financial documentation and the preparation of the Reports to the European Commission. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Organizational charts 3. Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Organizational charts 3. Expert work – responsibilities: Project manager P1 Head of quadrangle P1-1 Head of quadrangle P1-2 Head of quadrangle P1-3 Project manager, experts of the SME Federations Member of quad P3 -1 Member of quad P4 -1 Member of quad P2 -1 Member of quad P4 -2 Member of quad P3 -2 Member of quad P2 -2 Member of quad P4 -3 Member of quad P3 -3 Member of quad P2 -3 Project manager P4 Project manager P3 Project manager P2 Regulations for the implementation of the expert work are very important. Clear responsibilities are necessary on the basis of the experience of the former ERASMUS project. First of all in Hungary we had difficulties, we have bad experience – but it is a new project, a new situation, we have to learn from our failures. So as I said before every HE partners have 3 heads of quadrangles, all other partners delegate 1-1 person to the teaching material development teams. The SME federations draw their requirements, demands, suggestions for the Content, and evaluate the draft version of the teaching material in the traditional (WORD file) form – it is the responsibility of the SME federations’ managers or where the SMe federation participating indirectly in the project, it is the responsibility of the HE institutions’ managers. The project managers are also responsible for the work of the delegated heads or members, it is part of the quality management and supervision, as we emphasised before. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Task and responsibilities Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Task and responsibilities The heads of the quadrangles are responsible for: preparation of the curriculum in the working language of the module; preparation of the local specialities for comparison; co-ordination of the preparation of the comparative items; translation of the curriculum into English (if it is not the working language) and into the local language; recommendation to the b-Learning development; b-Learning development in the local language; The members of quadrangles are responsible for: participation in the preparation of the comparative items; translation of the curriculum into the local language (except the English partner); adaptation of the teaching material to the local language; b-Learning development in the local language according to the recommendation of the module leader; We would have liked to draw up clearly the task and responsibilities of the heads and members of the quadrangles. Translation of the curriculum into the local language (except the English partner) – because nearly all of the working language is English, and the English versions will be the basis for the translation, adaptation. Adaptation of the teaching material to the local language – emphasising the local specialities if it is necessary for the local teaching, and so on. Preparation of the comparative items – comparative item should mean a chapter, which will compare the local specialities concerning the topic of the module. The local specialities should be prepared by the members of the groups. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Planned working method Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Planned working method Drawing up the requirements of the SME Federations concerning the modules led by the local HE partner Preparation of the Content Paper led by the head of the quadrangle at the project meeting Co-operation between the members of the working groups by e-mail, phone or using of the project’s website (modules’ sites) if it is needed Development of the curriculum (in traditional form) in the working language of the quadrangle led by the head of the group Preparation of the national specialities by the members of the quadrangle Preparation of the comparative items led by the head of the group with the help of English experts Recommendations for the e-Learning development by the head of the quadrangle with the help of French experts Cross-checking of the module contents by the heads of the groups Checking and evaluation of the curriculum (draft versions) by the SME Federations’ experts E-learning (b-Learning) development in local languages by the members of the groups I think the conceived working is clear, Péter and I tried to work put it on the basis of the experiences of our former curriculum development projects. 1-2-3-4-5-6 Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Planned volume of the modules Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Planned volume of the modules Volume / Length of the curricula (in traditional form) – according to the credit points 6 credit points = 60 - 80 pages long curriculum 5 credit points = 50 - 65 pages long curriculum 3 credit points = 30 - 40 pages long curriculum 2 credit points = 20 - 25 pages long curriculum 1,5 credit points = 15 - 20 pages long curriculum Making the curricula complete with pictures, tables, charts, diagrams, figures, links, etc. according to the recommendations of the heads of the quadrangles According to the curriculum development work in the former ERASMUS project we tried to define the volume, length of the curricula in the traditional WORD file form. In the former project 5 credit points were equal with an about 60 pages long curriculum. On that basis we made the different categories. 6 credit points will be equal with 60-80 pages long printed material, and so on the others. One of the most important task of the heads will be working out of the structure of the e-Learning material – they have to point out how many, and which kind of pictures, charts, figures, questions should the curriculum involve. We would like to ask the French members of the teams or French e-Learning experts to help the heads of the quadrangles in the determination of the recommendations to the e-Learning development – on the basis of their great experience in this field. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Table of modules 1. 6 modules proposed for Nanterre meeting: Stages of modules Module name Credits Module Head Working language 6 modules proposed for Nanterre meeting Strategic Marketing, Marketing Planning and Quantitative Methods of Marketing 6 Hungarian English International Finance and Treasury and Financing 5 (3 + 2) English and French General Strategies and Policies, Project Management 4,5 (3 + 1,5) British Management Information Systems and Production and Logistics 3 (1,5 + 1,5) French Business Law and Economy of Industry (1,5 + 3) Strategies and Organisation Péter Soltész co-ordinate the selection of the modules for development. We have chosen 6 modules for the Nanterre meeting, 6 modules for the Essex meeting, and we have the 5 partially existing modules from the former project. It will be one of the most important tasks at the discussion panel to work out a method for their revision and German completion. Some of the modules consists of 2 subjects. We tried to connect the modules, which has less credits, and which can be connect to each other on the basis of their subject, according to the Master Programme of the French Partner taught traditionally to the students. It will be important to fill in the Table of modules form as soon as possible for all of the modules, every partner should denominate the members of the quadrangles with their availabilities (e-mail address and phone number) at least until the next meeting in Essex. These are the 6 modules proposed for Nanterre meeting – the name of the modules, their credit points, the nationality of the module leader and the working language. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Table of modules 2. 6 modules proposed for Essex meeting: Stages of modules Module name Credits Module Head Working language 6 modules proposed for Essex meeting Audit of Management 6 Hungarian English Financial Policy and Financial Markets German EU Social Law 5 EU Fiscal Policies Advanced accounting French Purchasing strategies and Risk management (2 + 3) These are the 6 modules proposed for Essex meeting. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Table of modules 3. 5 partially existing modules (former ERASMUS project): Stages of modules Module name Credits Module Head Working language 5 partially existing modules Management of European SMEs 5 Hungarian English Advanced Financial Analysis French Import and Export Deal Belgian Starting a Business Human Resource Management in the EU Important question how can we manage the revision and the German development of the 5 partially existing modules. In our opinion the French colleagues’ material can be the basis for the French, English and Hungarian revision and for the German development, too. If I know it well they have both the French and the English versions from the 5 modules in question. Our idea for this task is similar to the working method for the new modules. We should establish also quadrangles for the preparation of the comparative items, using the new local specialities (English instead of the Belgian and German), the German partner can use the English or French version for translation or adaptation, and each delegated expert revise the content of the teaching material in the local language. From the budgetary point of view: The UPX and the BBS have money for revision and for the development of the comparative items. University of Essex has money for the revision of the Belgian material, for the development of the comparative items, and for e-Learning development. Hochschule Wismar has money for this 5 modules as by the 12 new modules – teaching material development in traditional form, local and comparative items, translation and adaptation, and e-Learning development. We have to discuss it at the discussion panel. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Time table 1. Preparation of the Content Papers: Tasks Responsible Deadlines Preparation of the Content Papers Project meeting 1. and 2. with the members of the 6-6 modules Project managers 30/11/2007 31/01/2008 Recommendations for the Content Papers by the SME Federations SME Federations’ experts 15/11/2007 15/01/2008 Preparation of the Content Papers in the working language Heads of the quadrangles 10/12/2007 10/02/1008 Preparation of the Content Papers in the other 3 languages Members of the quadrangles 31/12/2007 29/02/2008 In the following slides you can see the tasks, who is responsible for its implementation and the deadlines. The first deadlines are concerning to the modules, which are proposed for the present Nanterre meeting, the second deadlines (in red) are concerning to the modules proposed for the Essex meeting. So the members of the quadrangles have 2 months for the preparation of the Content papers, first in the working language of the team (English), and in the local languages. At he end of 2007 the content papers of the 6 modules proposed for this meeting will be ready in all the 4 languages. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Time table 2. Training Material Development – traditional form: Tasks Responsible Deadlines Training Material Development – traditional form Training Material Development in the working language (draft versions) Heads of the quadrangles 31/05/2008 31/07/2008 Checking of the draft versions by the SME Federations’ experts SME Federations’ experts 30/06/2008 31/08/2008 Project meeting 3. – Cross checking of the curricula’s contents by the 12 heads of quadrangles Project managers, Heads of quadrangles Training Material Development in the working language (final versions) 30/09/2008 The curriculum development teams have maximum 5 months for the preparation of the draft version of the teaching material in traditional WORD form, the SME experts have 1 month for the evaluation, and at the 3rd project meeting there will be the cross-checking of the contents of the curricula. So it remains 1 month for the quadrangles to finalise their curriculum in the working language of the module. At the end of July 2008 we should have 6 finalised curricula in English. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Time table 3. Translation, b-Learning Development, Final Evaluation: Tasks Responsible Deadlines Translation Translation of the T. M. into English Heads of the quadrangles 31/08/2008 31/10/2008 Translation of the T. M. into the other 3 languages Members of the quadrangle 30/11/2008 31/01/2008 b-Learning Development Parallel development in the 4 languages according to the recommendations of the head of the quadrangle Heads and members of the quadrangles 31/05/2009 31/07/2008 Final evaluation of the modules Project meeting 4. Project managers 30/09/2009 The next step is the translation for the curricula into the other 3 working languages. If the working language of the quadrangle is not the English, it could happen in the module International finance and Treasury and financing, the first task is the translation of the materials into English. These are 4 months for translation, and adaptation, we hope it will be enough. The last step is the b-Learning development, it can overlap the adaptation of the teaching material to the local language. We imagined parallel development in the 4 working languages, according to the recommendations of the module leaders. Every module members will have 6 months for b-Learning development if it necessary with the help of special subcontractors. At the 4th project meeting, closing meeting we would like to evaluate the teaching materials, and close the project successfully. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Main website of the project Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Main website of the project Availability: Website of BBS Click ‘English version’ Click on the name of the project Website of the project To modules’ sites click on the name of the module Modules’ site(s) I would like to show you the project main website. It is part of the Budapest Business School’s website now. Its availability i the following: Website of BBS Click ‘English version’ Click on the name of the project You enter into the Website of the project To modules’ sites, click on the name of the module You enter into the Modules’ site(s) I will upload all important information about the project, its progress, the draft and finalised curricula, and so on. Every HE partner also have to prepare a site at the institution’s website, and upload the most important information and materials. I will help in this task to the co-ordinators. Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator
Thank you for your kind attention! Virtual campus for SMEs in a multicultural milieu 134350-LLP-1-2007-1-HU-ERASMUS-EVC Thank you for your kind attention! Péter SOLTÉSZ László VARGA Project manager Project co-ordinator Budapest Business School 11-13 Buzogány utca, H-1149 Budapest, Hungary 29-31 Markó utca, H-1055 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36 1 469 6773 Tel: +36 1 301 3436 Fax: +36 1 301 3431 Mobile: +36 30 949 8308 Mobile: +36 30 820 0990 E-mail: E-mail: Péter Soltész, Project manager & László Varga, Co-ordinator