What Evidence Tables Can Do For You! Grades 3-5 Chad Donahue PARCC ELC Principal, Jamesburg PS. cdonahue@jamesburg.org 732-521-0303 Regina Moreland PARCC ELC Language Arts Teacher morelandr@middlesex.k12.nj.us
Different Levels of Data What have we done in our schools at each level?
Agenda Show what can be done with preliminary data Focus our work today on Evidence Tables in Math and Language Arts.
How to Organize Preliminary Data Using On Demand Reports Log into https://nj.pearsonaccessnext.com Choose the correct year Go to Reports Make test selection You have to limit field to 500 test. Click on Printer Icon Choose Excel File
Creating a Pivot Table Highlight all students (click left most corner) “Create Pivot Table” You can now manipulate data Let’s try it… We can go back to this data to make it more useful.
What are Evidence Tables and Evidence Statements? Evidence Statement Tables and Evidence Statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to the standards.
Sample Evidence Table
What does the student need to know? Try and build a problem Based on description.
Check out a sample item What could this process look like in a school?
MATERIALS NEEDED TO DO THIS WORK Evidence Based Tables Published by PARCC Literacy Evidence Tables (Reading and Writing) Math Evidence Tables Partnership Resource Center Create an Account - It’s Free! NJ Code: nj1787 PARCC Released Items This is the data teachers come with. If not, have spare data to use or participants can work with a partner.
Let’s Dive into an Evidence Table What should we look at?
Looking deeper at the problem. What did I do well in? What do I need to do to improve? You try it.
Now dig into what is required What’s the next step?
What Are Performance-Level Descriptors? Performance level descriptors (PLDs) indicate what a typical student at each level should be able to demonstrate based on his/her command of grade-level standards. http://parcconline.org/assessments/test-design/mathematics/math-performance-level-descriptors
What Are Performance-Level Descriptors? In other words, they describe the knowledge, skills, and practices that students should know and be able to demonstrate at each performance level in each content area (ELA/L and mathematics), and at each grade level/course. http://www.isbe.state.il.us/assessment/pdfs/parcc/2016/parcc-spring-16-score-interpretation-guide.pdf
Math Performance-Level Descriptors PARCC reports results according to five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 1: Did not yet meet expectations Additional support is needed to meet expectations in the next course Level 2: Partially met expectations Level 3: Approached expectations Level 4: Met expectations On track for the next course Level 5: Exceeded expectations Academically well prepared to engage successfully in further studies in the subclaim content area and may need instructional enrichment. http://parcconline.org/assessments/test-design/mathematics/math-performance-level-descriptors
Now let’s work through your data Pick a standard. What is it that the students need to know? See if there is a sample problem. Check progress using PLD. How do we teach it?
Next steps: Use this sight to hold vertical articulation grade level meetings: http://achievethecore.org/coherence-map/#8/39/448/448 Continue to dig down into your curriculum. Look forward to deeper reporting on individual students this year.
Let’s Repeat with Language Arts. What should we look at? Feel free to utilize your data.
ELA Evidence Statements Look up the statement.
Now break down the student expectations. It’s important to look at everything the student is required to do.
Look at a sample problem.
Use the Performance Level Descriptors
Please reach out to us at the PARCC ELC Chad Donahue PARCC ELC Principal, Jamesburg PS. cdonahue@jamesburg.org 732-521-0303 Regina Moreland PARCC ELC Language Arts Teacher morelandr@middlesex.k12.nj.us